Urge Cabo Verde Day 3 Report 7

Update: Sven just texted Run 1 of 4 results
1. Jérôme Clementz , 33:09 (that's minutes)
2. Nico Vouilloz, 33:40
3. Rene Wildhaber, 35:50
4. Fabien Barel
5. Mark Weir
6. Greg Doucende
7. Rowan Sorrell
8. Tracy Moseley

He also said Anka was 2nd place woman with Sabrina 3rd place woman so far.
No internet connection at all from the volcano so the “Sven Martin’s Photo Journal” will resume tomorrow…

Wednesday the 9th of February: after a first night in the middle of the caldera of Fogo, the riders hopped on their bikes for training and “getting-used-to-the-terrain” day. First falls, first fears: the terrain won’t be easy to deal with…
Urge Cabo Verde Day 3


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