Enduro World Series, Crested Butte, CO Day 1 - Rocky Mountain High

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<b>No one is surprised to see Jared Graves in 1st, but that grass stain on his right hip serves as a reminder that nothing here is certain. He sits in 1st with a win on Stage 1, but a crash on Stage 2 means his lead is only about 3-seconds after 25-minutes of racing.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Anneke Beerten is one tough racer - OTB on Stage 1. Gashes on both knees, a quick bandaging at the end of the stage and off to the liaison to Stage 2. Winning both stages, then off to hospital for stitches.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>It was like going back in time for me today. The modern enduro incarnation of Nico Vouilloz looked just like the DH one I watched all those years ago. Smooth as ever and in 2nd place.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>Never bet against Cecile Ravanel, 11-seconds back in 2nd place, she'll be ready to pounce should Anneke's injuries take their toll as the weekend rolls on.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>And then we push, after 2 hours of climbing. This might just be the first EWS that wears out granny gears and chainrings instead of brake pads.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>I had such a laugh with Chris Ball today - fording rivers, shuttling, discussing what people do with cow's eyes.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>3rd after Day 1, Francois Bailly-Maitre may be a long way from his XC days, but he knows how to hold it wide open while suffering to the max. He's only 7.5-seconds back.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Kelli Emmet is no stranger the Butte. She currently sits in 3rd, her best showing yet at an EWS.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Isabeau Courdurier rolling through the aspens on Stage 2 ending up 4th on the day.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>Mandatory soaker. EWS Colorado started with an hour-long shuttle and then a chilly river crossing to wake up the body.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>A real, actual fish eye view.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>One of my inspirations years ago was a photo by Chris Milliman from Sea Otter of an XC rider in high detail within blown out highlights. Today I managed that with the help of the pinned Marco Osborne.</b> -Gary Perkin
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<b>Stage 1 practice funsies. This one was all about keeping momentum through narrow, blind turns. #youscratchedmyenves</b> -Brandon Turman
<b>Breaking rocks in the hot sun, the Butte fought Rene and his calves won. 4th place for the big man just 7.9-seconds back and taking a win on Stage 2.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Option 1: Safe and steady around the outside.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Option 2: Huck it!</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Thomas Lapeyrie raced through broken ribs a few weeks ago in Samoens to finish 5th. Still broken and riding blind on Stage 2, he's again sitting 5th overall. #hardasnails</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Jerome Clementz of Cannondale had a day of ups and downs - long transfers, 2nd on Stage 1 then an OTB on Stage 2 to end the day in 7th overall. Charging.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>With everything rather decentralized, most teams are skipping the pit area in favor of their own accommodations. With views like this who can blame them?</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Chris King is cooking breakfast starting at 5:30 am everyday. Huge thanks for feeding the media for free so we don't die out there.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Dan Atherton opted not to practice all all and rode all the stages blind in the hopes of having extra power in the thin air. Sitting way back in 36th it might not have been the best plan.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Richie Rude using his 1 Phone-a-Friend lifeline for mechanical advice. It's in the EWS rules if you look deep enough.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Sorry, not sorry. Our Stage 2 liaison was way better than the 3 hour climb the racers had to endure. No trucks tomorrow though...</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Meanwhile, the racers were hiking up this. Ouch.</b> -Brandon Turman
<b>Tracy Moseley looks uncharacteristically off the pace. She sits in 5th, almost a minute back.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>These are the moments I love to capture in the woods. Thomas Lapeyrie airing over one of the many rollers on Stage 1 - Doctor Park. No crowds, no massive media contingent parked behind barriers, just a rider loving it.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>Mitch said he's never been this high. Even in Colorado.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Almost to Base Camp 1 and the start of Stage 2. Racers started climbing wayyyy down there at the bottom right.</b> -Brandon Turman
<b>Mike West is an OG Super-D destroyer and currently sits in 11th. Grey beard power!</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Colorado native, Nate Hills, is no stranger to monster climbs and thin air. No surprise to see him sitting in 13th.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Dave Camp living the High Life. We still believe #DaveCampFTW even if it's for fashion sense alone.</b> -Lee Trumpore
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<b>Roaring Judy (aka Stage 2) upped the ante with some serious exposure, more rocks, and higher speeds. Yeehaw!</b> -Brandon Turman
<b>KrunkShox threads the needle through the Doctor Park aspens.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>#canyouevenbreathebro Iago Garay.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Stage 1 had a suckerpunch - a 90-second climb towards the bottom. Chris Hutchins' pain face says it all.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Dylan Crane getting forcefully exfoliated by decomposed granite. #youredoingitwrong</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>You all know I don't mind the odd pan.. Here's yet another variation on the theme with Chris Johnston ripping through the aspens and wild flowers.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>1/13th, but I'm sure Flipper will go lower tomorrow.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Ben Forbes in the thick of the aspen trees during Stage 1.</b> -Gary Perkin
<b>Mechanic Tom Duncan hard at work on Dylan Wolsky's Bronson after Day 1.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Anneke Beerten powering through the pain of her busting up knees.</b> -Lee Trumpore
<b>Today was a hard one, tomorrow's even worse, and then there are still 4 stages on Sunday. It's never too soon to start recovering. Stay tuned for the action...if we survive.</b> -Lee Trumpore
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High altitude singletrack in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in Crested Butte, Colorado made for a painfully beautiful day of racing at the 5th round of the Enduro World Series. The stages are long and physical with some significant climbing and pushing during the liaisons. Jared Graves and Anneke Beerten hold the lead after the first two stages. Lee Trumpore, Gary Perkin and Brandon Turman let us share in the thin air with photos, videos and interviews.

RESULTS - EWS Crested Butte Stages 1-2


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