Ashland Mountain Challenge Race Action Slideshow

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<b>The 2015 Ashland Mountain Challenge celebrated another year of high-speed singletrack bombing. The race was sold out with 300 Pro and Amateur riders racing against the clock..and the fog. One minute the fog would be there and would be gone the next.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>The Santa Cruz crew had a little JT in the speakers on the drive to the start. #bringingsexyback</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>The Riddler doing a once-over before heading to the Pro's Stage 1 which was actually Stage 3. The beginners and sport riders raced on the East Side of Mt. Ashland while the Experts and Pros raced on the West Side. Then they switched. The Pros had a painful 3k climb to their 3rd stage.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Some riders were a bit overzealous coming into the connector trail “Offshoot” before Stage 1. This made for a long, painful day for Jake Dore. By the way Jake, you owe Mark Weir $25 for your creekside bill. </b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Zora Thomas. At this point, "Bringing Sexy Back" is bumping through her head as she rips down Stage 1 for a 2nd place overall in Expert Women.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Smallman appropriately labeled against the huge, furry trees. </b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>3rd place Kyle Warner suffers the risk of me shooting pans, but this is probably an accurate representation of his vision by day's end.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Jeremiah is just that tall and skinny! #nophototricks</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Cory Sullivan won the speed trap at 43 mph and used his 4th place earnings to get us "fully enduro'd" with various libations. Cheers Cory! #birdsonthewire #nailedit</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Year after year Ryan Gardner kept getting 6th at this event. Most of us would be more than happy with that results considering how many pinners show up in Ashland. Ryan put it all together and finally got a 5th place podium doing the Beacon Bombers proud!</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Showing a bit of leg and showing off those new Specialized 2FO Clip Lite shoes is Cody Kaiser. </b> -Dennis Yuroshek
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<b>Following Abigail Hippely during a race run.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Weir can ride these woods with his eyes closed, I hear he has been racing these trails for the past 57 years. </b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Ashland local, father and now in the Weekend Warrior category, Nathan Riddle putting the hammer down!</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>I sprinted out ahead of Weir, and while the timing guy was scared he was going to catch me, I dipped off the trail, (bike is still in the photo) and snagged this as Mark came at me around 37 mph into this turn. If that doesn't get your blood pumping than you're dead. #floatzone</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Riddle on an absolute tear, without kneepads, going into BTI at Mach Chicken. Dude's insane!!</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Chapin looked smooth all day, just off the pace with an 8th place and not the result he was looking for. Times were tight. 6th through 8th were less than .619-seconds apart after 25 minutes of racing. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>BTI trail and Sam Merkling go hand-in-hand. He used to be an Ashland local, now living in Santa Cruz as a Santa Cruz Bicycles employee. He still won't miss a "home town" race though. </b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Carolynn Romaine winning Stage 1, but slipping back in time to her good friend and Ashland loc, Adele Mery. 2nd place on the day for Lil C.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
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<b>Following Carolynn Romaine during a race run.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Lauren Gregg taking note on Cody’s short shorts steez. I think Lauren wears it better.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Adele is known for going fast and using her face as a brake pad. Glad she got it all figured out and stayed upright, taking the win on her home trails. Might I mention she was also running a Riddler tire out back?</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Catchin' lizards between riders is always good times.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>It was great to see Chad and his crew of Mountain Medics DONATE their time to come out to the event. It's the largest medic set up Ive seen at a regional race like this with everything inside that an ER room would have x 2.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Not the bed you want to lie in.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Timing was on point. Each rider was given a time card and at the start and finish of each stage they would get a print out of their start and finish times.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>#MURRICA</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>The disappointment was real when Mark found out he took 2nd behind Riddle.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Everyone wanted to touch the winning tires that Riddle and Weir were running FRONT and REAR.</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Pro Women's podium:<br>1st: Adele Mery<br>2nd: Carolynn Romaine<br>3rd: Amy Morrison<br>4th: Andrea Napoli<br>5th: Kim Russell</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>Pro Men's podium:<br>1st: Nathan Riddle<br>2nd: Mark Weir<br>3rd: Kyle Warner<br>4th: Cory Sullivan<br>5th: Ryan Gardner</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
<b>The crowd was deep with a sold out event of 300 riders, lots of beer and burritos were enjoyed. Thanks for a great event CES!</b> -Dennis Yuroshek
Intro Graphic

The 2015 Ashland Mountain Challenge celebrated another year of high-speed singletrack bombing. The race was sold out with 300 Pro and Amateur riders racing against the clock. The AMC was the 4th of six stops on the 2015 California Enduro Series calendar. Dennis Yuroshek was sprinting the singletrack to capture the action, so dig in!

Pro Men's podium:
1st: Nathan Riddle
2nd: Mark Weir
3rd: Kyle Warner
4th: Cory Sullivan
5th: Ryan Gardner

Pro Women's podium:
1st: Adele Mery
2nd: Carolynn Romaine
3rd: Amy Morrison
4th: Andrea Napoli
5th: Kim Russell


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