Vital, can you put me out of my misery and publish the Kona Process test. I've been patient, but have waited and waited and am worried I might do something silly.......
The past few weeks have been a bit crazy for us with the start of the World Cups and Sea Otter, etc, but we'll get back on track with the remaining reviews starting next week. I'll push the Kona to the front of the line for you.
Hey lev,
The past few weeks have been a bit crazy for us with the start of the World Cups and Sea Otter, etc, but we'll...
Hey lev,
The past few weeks have been a bit crazy for us with the start of the World Cups and Sea Otter, etc, but we'll get back on track with the remaining reviews starting next week. I'll push the Kona to the front of the line for you.
is there a place where I can see all the bikes in the test session by brand price and rating?
The easiest way to view all of the Vital reviews is by visiting our Product Guide ("Product" in the menu bar) and sorting by Trail bikes (or whatever you might search for in the future).
We'll have a complete link list and some fun comparisons (price vs star rating, weight, etc) when we wrap up the final 2014 reviews over the next week or two.
Lev wants tests! Lev wants tests! Lev wants tests! Lev wants tests! Revolution is in the air! Give Lev what he wants or those two fingers will have your eyes! That's not a threat, cause I can't speak for Lev. But give the man what he needs.
It was my birthday yesterday and my wife asked what I wanted more than anything in the whole world, and I said 'to read the Kona Process test session'. As you get older, you learn that dreams never come true : (
Thanks! Totally agree with your review about climbing the Process. I also changed the post to a reverb and went 1x10, which solved the cockpit set up issues. It is chunky, but it feels like a DH bike when descending. I've got mine down to 32 pound with e-thirteen pedals now and have some nice(r) wheels coming for trail duties, saving the WTBs for DH duties with DH rubber. Having had loads of bikes, this is the best handling, including better than my stumpy carbon evo. I think it deserves more than 3.5 stars, considering the stumpy got 5. Thanks for putting the review up first though and nice phots.
The past few weeks have been a bit crazy for us with the start of the World Cups and Sea Otter, etc, but we'll get back on track with the remaining reviews starting next week. I'll push the Kona to the front of the line for you.
Here's a direct link for ya:,3/riding_type/all_mounta…
Last year's Test Session Wrap Up (list at bottom):…
This year's Test Session Bikes Gallery (links to reviews on each):…
We'll have a complete link list and some fun comparisons (price vs star rating, weight, etc) when we wrap up the final 2014 reviews over the next week or two.
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