2007 GT DHI 1

General Info
GT stepped out of the box to develop the "I drive" system in previous years. With the early I drive DHI seeing success in the World Cup piloted by Steve Peat. The bike was good, but in my opinion did not stick out in a crowd like the STS and Lobo that came before it. The 2007 GT DHI brought together all the right bits of style, development, and out of the box thinking that made GT a household name. Also, it helps to have Brian Lopes, Bryn Atkinson, and Dave Wardell making it look good.
GT stepped out of the box to develop the "I drive" system in previous years. With the early I drive DHI seeing success in the World Cup piloted by Steve Peat. The bike was good, but in my opinion did not stick out in a crowd like the STS and Lobo that came before it. The 2007 GT DHI brought together all the right bits of style, development, and out of the box thinking that made GT a household name. Also, it helps to have Brian Lopes, Bryn Atkinson, and Dave Wardell making it look good.
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