RACE REPORT: DH Action from Round 3 of the 2014 Australian National Series in Thredbo

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<b>Troy Brosnan kept it simple with minimal practice runs this weekend. He saved his energy and won by over 8-seconds.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Thomas Crimmins claimed 2nd in Elite and just missed out on beating his U19 little brother by .6-seconds.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Dave McMillan thinks he's pretty cool with his whipping, popping and scrubbing of everything in his path. Turns out he is.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Troy Brosnan proves you don't need to ride flats to get your foot out, flat out.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Graeme Mudd improved his 5th from Buller and took 4th today. It will be good to see how a lot of these Nationals boys go when they get to ride against the best in Cairns at the World Cup in two months.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Rhys Atkinson back where he wants to be, taking a spot on the podium with a 5th place.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Andrew Crimmins, took the U19 win today, with the second fastest time on the hill.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Old-school XC racer, Paul Rowney, loves a bit of DH this year. Famous for riding most of the 96 Cairns World Cup XCO with no seat, he now enjoys a bit of baggies action, helping a bunch of young Aussie downhillers get a leg up to the World Cups.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Dean Lucas needed just 0.5 points to beat Connor Fearon in the overall. Connor was a no show, so a seeding run with a broken wrist was enough. Pretty committed to move up just one spot. Notice his brake lever configuration.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Rick Boyer of Orange Bikes Australia linking the turns with Ben Cory pulling up as caboose.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Despite his family heritage, Graeme Mudd loves the dry dusty conditions we saw here in Thredbo this weekend. The track was running the best it ever has.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Ben Cory lives by this ideology - If your dad doesn't have a beard, you've got two mums. We didn't even know Ben could grow a beard, so his little one may have some explaining to do.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Matt Dodd was looking fast in practice, but he somehow managed to crash his bike on the way to the pits. 7 stitches later and he was racing again.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Ben Hill busting through the trees. Taking the overall for the U19 is a good start leading into the World Cups just around the corner.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>There are some pretty fast sections on the Thredbo track. This is wide open and straight into a 40ft kicker. Pinned.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Thredbo is hands down the most picturesque downhill track in the country. The potential on this hill is ridiculous. The mountain's management is now starting to put feet forward in the right direction, too.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>15-year old Remy Morton got the 6th fastest time all weekend. I know I said it last round, but you guys will see a lot more of this kid.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Luke Ellison always looks fast, he just needs to put clean runs together.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Timmy Eaton, throttled, with a top 10 finish this weekend.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Angus Maddern gets a little sideways in practice.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Andrew Crimmins - Coming back from a thinking he had a busted shoulder at Buller, Andrew lays it out as usual. This kid doesn't care. Thredbo is home turf and there is a point to prove. 1st place U19.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Joel Willis is a first year junior this year. He should make the Aussie Junior team which will give him the chance to ride select World Cup rounds leading to the World Champs in Hafjell. </b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Rick Boyer, fueled by Coke and Snakes has now completed his 18th Australian National DH series. The man is a legend in Australian Downhill. </b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Post race ice baths in the aptly-named Snowy River.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Troy Brosnan took the win today by 8 and a half seconds. Stamping his authority on the Thredbo track, showing the rest of the riders what it takes to be a World Cup podium getter.</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
<b>Elite Men top 5. Casual Saturday. See you at the National Champs!</b> -Tim Bardsley-Smith
Intro Graphic
Thredbo was the final stop for the 2014 Australian National Mountain Bike Series. There were some impressive rides by a host of junior and up-and-coming riders, but the real story was Troy Brosnan schooling the field. He put 8-seconds into 2nd place finisher Thomas Crimmins. With Connor Fearon flatting at Buller and consequently putting him out of the race for the overall, Fearon chose to stay at home and prepare for National Champs in two weeks. Check out the high-speed action from photo ace, Tim Bardsley-Smith.

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