The Dirty Sanchez Enduro is an off-the-grid, invite-only mountain biking event on private steeps of hella NorCal. TDS embraces the paradox of true mountain biking. True mountain biking involves physically creating places to ride your mountain bike. Countless hours of sweat, swearing and shovel provide priceless few seconds of two-wheeled thrills, while at the same time, destroying the created place to ride your bike. A mountain biker creates something so they can enjoy destroying it. The gnardoggies behind TDS (like Mark Weir and the Sanchez family for example) love to work, love to build and most importantly, love to destroy what they make with friends and family. Open it up, rip it to shreds, burn it down, build it back up, do it again next year. We're honored that the fun-loving crew at Transition Bikes shared their TDS experience and survival with all of us. Enjoy! -gordo
TDS would like to thank the following partners for keeping the TDS dream alive:
Fasthouse, WTB, Ol’ Republic, Specialized, Semper Fi, Onyx, Camelbak, Violich Farms, Bell, Transition, Julbo, Ride Concepts, BICS, Sock Guy, Canondale, Bosch, Shimano Steps, Modus, Tour of Nevada City, Roseville Cyclery, Clif, Body Logic, BPFM, Telestream, Fit Culture, Plaza Tire, Fox, Viva Tierra, Dynaplug, Dragon Graphics, Robinson Enterprises, Camp Chef, Dunn Vineyards, Grenon and Sons, Manito Construction, Herc Rentals, Hansen Bros., YBONC, Bistro 221, Clipped in Races
The Transition team would like to thank, in no order of appearance- The Sanchez clan, the Weir clan, our peripheral family that attended, the Lee’s Farola, the Grass Valley and surrounding area locals, the TDS racers, the TDS attendees, the NERDS, Skye Allsop, The Ride Concepts crew for putting a blanket up and saving us from certain death by throwing star misfires, the poison oak of TDS for being gentle on us and every other human in attendance for making the event what it is.
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