It rained all night. The track looked more like a stream in places than a race course; “unrideable” was a word uttered more than once in practice, which set a challenging tone for the day ahead. Bikes were caked in heavy, wet mud and riders were too… some more than others, depending on the amount of time spent on the ground. By the time racing was to commence, the sun had finally arrived, late to the party as usual.

Dillon Lemarr in audio
Demetri Triantafillou in audio

Warren Kniss Discusses this New Phil Wood Componetry

Jason Schroeder in audio

Warren Kniss in audio
Dylan Conte in audio

Jordan Newth in audio
Ryan Burney in audio
Ian Collins in audio
Gaetan Vige in audio

In the Women’s race, it was anyone’s game. The track has changed so drastically, it was pretty much a different monster for everyone dropping in – they were the second-to-last category to drop. No one had a clean run, it was a story of determination, frustration, and flat-out apathy…most just wanted to get down safely. By her own admission, a mix of luck and skill favored Vaea Verbeeck, who took the win. It was a huge challenge and feat for the intrepid bunch, but it was great to see such comradery amongst the competitors who all seemed to rejoice in commiserating about their battles with The Beast!
Racheal Pagou in audio
Samantha Soriano in audio
Frida Ronning in audio
Ella Skalwold Alex McAndrew in audio
Vaea Verbeeck in audio
For the Men, the last afternoon race meant strange conditions with a healthy mix of not-really-that-dry-but-kind-of and straight up mud bogs. Many riders swapped over to flat pedals in hopes of at least keeping balance on control. With some unlikely results on the board, namely Bernard in 5thafter not practicing and Jackson Frew in 2ndwho was completely flabbergasted that he’d managed to do so well in such mind-boggling conditions. The true story of the day though was Neko Mulally taking the win, back-to-back, on two very different tracks. It was his race, and the times show that he efforts were a notch above the rest. A big win at old stomping grounds once again, it was a really exciting finish to the event.
Bernard Kerr in audio
Isak Leivsson in audio
Neko Mulally in audio

![A proud mom getting one for the [digital] scrapbook.](

Neko's Grandfather, Jim in audio

The US Open produced a great race, two newly crowned National Champions taking the wins, the bar has once again been raised for what makes a cool, fun, and exciting event.

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