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Oaxaca: The MTB Destination You Wouldn't Expect 1

Dylan Crane and Rafa Infante explore some of the best mountain biking Mexico has to offer with Oaxaca Mountain Bike Expeditions.

We were there to ride and explore the trails that Mexico has to offer, but Oaxaca is known for its food. It would be rude not to sample some of the best Mexican dishes on the planet, right? We were very happy that it did in fact live up to all rumored expectations both from the street vendors, as well as some of the 5-star restaurants that we visited as well. All were delicious!

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About 20 minutes out of town and up at, a much higher than expected, 3000 meters elevation is where the week of fully shuttled adventure begins. 

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 It may have been dry while we were there, but if you know where to look there's still always a bit of loam to dig into. The trails at the top of the mountain are comparable to what you may find in many parts of BC. 


Some of the trails were quite wild to behold underneath massive Agave, mossy trees, and air plants. It made you feel like you had found Jurassic Park, especially when you're up on the mountain all day and haven't seen a single other person, let alone another rider. 


 Often both of us stopped after sections of trail with wild grins on our faces and immediately hiked back up to session it again. We expected the trails to just be old hiking trails that people started riding down, which isn't false for some of them but we were impressed by just how much natural flow a lot of these tracks had. More so than many trails we've ridden in bike parks around the world. 

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 Depending on the time of the year you may catch a bunch of dry pine needles on some of the trails and it can do two things. It can make it feel like you're ripping a scree slope and carving your way down the mountain or, it can send you straight off the trail at high speeds. Both of these happened, making it quite exciting on those limited trails.


 You'll defiantly catch us back here again next year. In fact, we already have our dates set between June 2nd and the 7th. If you want to explore some of the best riding on the planet for all sorts of riding levels and visit a beautiful new location with your bike, we'd love to see you join our Oaxaca Bike Expeditions group. It's nothing but a good time!

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 We'll see you there! Learn more: Oaxaca Bike Expeditions


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