The Mini Booter: This Jump Is Hucking Tiny!!!

Ever wanted an MTB jump you could just cary around? I did too. Meet the Mini booter. Part bike jump, part backpack. It may only been 4 inches tall, but it gets the job done.

This is a video I've been wanting to make for a while. I originally was going to use an x-factor ramp I found at the dump a few years ago, but I wanted something a bit more portable. The nails at the beginning were supposed to be to anchor the ramp down to the ground so it didn't slide. I forgot them when I went to go film *face palm*. The editing style at the beginner of the video is heavily inspire by Casey Neistat and the video premise was heavily inspired by Chris Akrigg.

Thanks for watching!

Music: some random song from Audioblocks.
"That-Old-Skool-Funk-Vibe-Full-Mix" -
Credit: Skills with phil

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