Even the Mud is Muddy! Lil Robbo Takes Riding Slop to a New Level 3
"Pro" rider life, the dream? Living it up between races, dropping a picture here and there on Instagram, and waiting for the next phone call for a fully expensed tour of "insert exotic name here". Too good to be true, you bet! Contrary to popular belief, most pro riders have something they do away from the bike, be it work in a shop, a trade, or help out the parent's business.
In the case of "Lil" Robbo he's just qualified (well-done lad) as a fully qualified plumber. Just like you and I, he's living to ride his bike when he can and when he does, doesn't he just make you smile?
In the case of "Lil" Robbo he's just qualified (well-done lad) as a fully qualified plumber. Just like you and I, he's living to ride his bike when he can and when he does, doesn't he just make you smile?
Caldwell Visuals
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