Halo Neuroscience
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Halo Neuroscience Halo Sport
Vital Review
Training Average Joes and Super Pros with Science - Halo Sport Neuropriming First Look (Product Review)
Overall Review
Here at Vital MTB, our product reviews and testimonials are almost exclusively bikes or bike components. The bonus of being a part of the review posse is that all of the product testing compliments my ‘real’ job as owner and coach of Blueprint Athlete Development. I get the fortunate opportunity to test the differences between designs, brands, and products for the sake of finding opportunities to improve athletic performance and the fun factor. The main facet of my coaching role is to improve the rider themselves, which is something that hasn’t crossed paths with Vital MTB, until now. As a...
Posted by
hurricanejoel on 10/19/2017 6:07pm