For the past week the Silver Star trail crew and some dedicated volunteers have been working hard to create a new jump line for the Two Wheel Festival this Saturday and Sunday August 13-14. Last night was the first test of the two boner drops and first big jump and it went as smoothly as could be. The guys were all pumped to hit the first features and flow them together. Despite testing the jumps at the end of the day the show drew quite a crowd. The new jump line is right outside the mountain village and makes for an incredible backdrop for all the jumps.
This weekend at Silver Star Bike Park is jam packed with events and good times. Ryan Leech is going to be visiting the village and putting on his ever impressive gravity defying trials shows on both Saturday and Sunday. As well Camp of Champions is going to be bringing their bike airbag which will be free to hit in the village from 10am-4pm both days.
A race down Dag’s Downhill is scheduled for Saturday from 11am-1pm. Registration will be the day of at Ski Dazzle ticket office and the entry fee is $25 to enter and all the money goes to the top riders in each category. Norco and Lavan have also pumped in tons of prizes for racers and jumpers.
Norco Bicycles will be in the resort all weekend showing off their ever impressive 2012 lineup of new bikes. Swing by to ask questions, chat with Sam Dueck, Brett Rheeder and Ryan Leech and check out some of next year's toys.
Silver Style Jump Jam is scheduled for Saturday late afternoon, roughly 4-6pm on the new jump line built for this event. There are two lines, XL and L for competitors. It is $25 to enter and all the money is divided up amongst the winners. The event will be rider judged to give it more of a jam feel and just good times on two wheels. Afterwards there is a live band in the Saloon and tons of prizes and swag from our good friends at Norco.
See you this weekend!
- Silver Star Bike Park
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