Press Release



We are pleased to announce our 2019 Orbea Demo schedule and we hope you’ll join us to test the coolest new bikes on trails all over the country - chatting with riders, making new friends and sharing the stoke is the best part of the job.

The schedule below is a framework of confirmed events, but keep your eyes peeled and talk to your Orbea dealer about events being added almost every weekend, especially as the season continues. Also check Orbea on Facebook and call your local Orbea Shop for details.

Once again we will focus on adding services and experiences intended to improve your Orbea test ride beyond what you’ve come to expect.

Personalization - Orbea offers unique paint and component selection through our MyO program, so why not do the same with our Demo? Chose shock type, stem length, saddle and pedal options to test ride an Orbea the way you want.

Ride with Orbea -  This year at five key events (below in bold) we will hold Sunday Orbea Rides. Sunday demo will be by appointment only, with signup for the Sunday Orbea Ride starting Friday morning when the regular demo opens.

Join us for an exclusive ride experience with Orbea Staff, Industry Friends, Athletes, and Brand Ambassadors.

Learn more about the bikes and the company from riders who know them best while we step outside the typical demo experience. Guided rides will vary by demo venue and will be accommodating of every skill level.


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