Press Release

Hans Rey Signs With iXS For Helmets and Protection 1

He is one of mountain biking’s undisputed legends – and for the next three years, Hans “No Way” Rey is going to rely on iXS (Say “ikes S”) Sports Division’s helmets and safety gear.

Hailing from the border region between southern Germany and Switzerland, the young and
gifted bicycle trials rider Hans «No Way» Rey moved to the United States, to California to
be precise. Shortly after, he got signed by GT in 1987, and in the following years Rey clad
in his distinctive blue and yellow team gear became one of mountain biking’s figureheads.
From wallrides to trials shows to seemingly unrideable sections: Hans Rey always has been
pushing and stretching the limits of what was considered possible.
Now days, Hans is focusing on his Adventure Team, travelling and looking for adventure – mostly in remote regions where no mountain bike has been ridden before and always accompanied by cameras.  He has also focused his attention to his “Wheels4Life” charity project. This nonprofit organization is aiming at supplying people in developing countries with bicycles, thus facilitating their move to economic autonomy. Apart from that, Rey is strongly involved in a project called “Flow Country”, aiming to create flowy, not too step or radical trails with banked corners and small jumps which are supposed to appeal to crosscountry riders, freeriders and downhillers alike.

Additionally, iXS has hired rider/wrench Lance Tueller to help establish the brand in the United States.  iXS has also joined with Spank components and Morewood bicycles to put Lance on the road.  Lance will be travelling the Western United States supporting privateers, displaying iXS gear, and demoing Spank equipped Morewoods.

iXS riders in North America

- Hans “NoWay” Rey
- Josh Bender on protectors
- Bobby Root on protectors
- Andi Wittmann on helmets and protectors

iXS riders in the World

- Roger Rinderknecht
- Johannes Fischbach
- Guido Tschugg
- Marcel Beer
- Rachel and Pascal Seydoux
- CRC Intense Worldcup Team
- Swiss Wheeler
- BiXS


Photo: Hans’ Kit


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