skill... mac..... danny... danny macaskil!

Edited Date/Time 8/18/2014 12:38am

He may be a trials guy, but still.... he brings a whole new game to the street riding.... just sick....
Loma, CO US
3/4/2010 3:43pm Edited Date/Time 3/4/2010 3:44pm
I dont care what you call his riding, street, trials...whatever, its sick. The dude shreds! He has brought mountain biking to commercials, all over YouTube bringing about awareness for our awesome sport. I cant wait to see what else he can do

BTW, long live
Salt Lake City, UT US
3/4/2010 4:57pm
Unreal for sure. I would kill to be able to ride like that. Really like the song as well. I wonder how the popularity of the band was affected? Had never heard of them before, but made an itunes purchase after about the 30th time watching this vid.
Los Angeles, CA US
3/4/2010 5:17pm Edited Date/Time 10/4/2011 5:11pm
A Seattle buddy of mine turned me onto Band Of Horses maybe 2 years prior to this video exploding. I was lucky enough to shoot some photos with them the fall before the Danny Mac video arrived and they were all super humble and very down to earth musicians. I really came away from it with a lot more respect for them. They (or their label Sub Pop) could have easily thrown around a bunch of bs legal action against Inspired for using the song but I think they realized the publicity they could get out of this for free was immense.

I think this video has had a pretty widespread impact. Not too many videos get 15 million youtube views alone (not to mention all the other places this has been hosted). Most that do bring a smile to your face (cats, chocolate rain, whatever) but this video caught the attention of that Scottish employment agency to them deliver the message of doing what you love and being proud of your job, as well as Volkswaggon (who went on to essentially drop the ball completely).

Music industry types are scrambling to dish out short term solutions for crumbling profit margins whilst digging their own grave deeper, such as the muting of any audio on youtube videos that violate music rights (Warner in particular), when a long term acceptance of technology being here to stay (is youtube going anywhere soon?) and using it to their advantage could be what keeps them afloat. How many folks would you reckon got turned on to Band Of Horses after this video just like Von?

Like him or hate him, like trials or hate it- it's impossible to deny that this video has been one of the most widely seen examples of modern cycling outside of broadcast television to date and it would be hard to argue that it has done anything but good for cycling as a whole. Haters be damned.
3/4/2010 9:31pm
This vid just totally turned my day around, pretty freaking special stuff. I'd forgotten how amazing it was...goddamn.
3/5/2010 8:40am Edited Date/Time 4/21/2016 10:18am
After he got popular, Danny broke his collarbone twice: First on the pumptrack at the oakley-office and then when he was racing downhill with Gee Atherton - bad luck, guy!

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