Trek Session Setup Tips

Dallas, PA US
Edited Date/Time 10/29/2021 2:59pm
So I picked up this beauty just recently, 2018 Trek Session 9.9 27.5" and was hoping for some setup tips. I have a strong background in moto and stick mostly to jump / flow trails, but now that I have a proper DH steed I'll definitely be hitting more tech stuff as well. Fox 40 up front, Marzocchi Bomber CR coil in the rear, Saint drivetrain and brakes. I'm 5'9" 175lbs, any suspension settings or other tips you guys can share? Thanks!

10/29/2021 2:59pm
Personally I start with the fork fairly open and with too much air. Basically do runs with less and less air until I feel I’ve gone too far. Up the pressure a tiny bit and start messing with clickers and pressure from there.

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