Sven and Boris' Dual Slalom Photos - Crankworx Innsbruck 1

Ripping off the knobs.

Heck yes, Dual Slalom! Crankworx Innsbruck included some flat, grass corners among the manicured berms to serve up a delicious helping of knob-ripping and gate bashing. Sven and Boris share the super shots from a super shredding event.

Last year's winner, Matthew Sterling, making it to the small final this year, turning heads and bending gates. That's how it’s done. Run it tight.

Laser focus. Line them up.

Slavik on the gas, full-throttle down the final grassy turns.

Luana Chereches making Mihai Moga from Colorado proud. Third place in slalom for the powerhouse from Romania.

Ella Connolly used her visor and helmet to take out the timing system, giving the rest of the riders a little more practice.

What a treat for all to witness. The unexpected, aggressive, confident cornering skills from Luke Meier-Smith in Dual Slalom; a sport seemingly made for this young Aussie with a big future ahead of him.

Bernard Kerr has to be in the running for team manager of the year? Bringing home podiums in Enduro, Slalom and a 10th in DH.

Grass. Spikes. Roost. Dual Slalom. Adrien Dailly sliding into seventh place. Not bad for a slalom rookie.

Eddie Masters can see just fine in slalom. Follow the murky brown stripe down the hill, around some blurry poles.

Brannigan (another cornering Jedi) vs Niels Bensink. This round went to Niels from Netherlands.

Another cornering shot of Luke Meier-Smith, just because. Feet-up confidence for days.

CWX GM, Darren Kinnaird,  watches the instant slo-mo replay of the Women's final before the official call is made. Aren’t we lucky to have all this served up live for free?
Ed Bull Media House don’t need no fancy wire cams or racing drones when you have Muzza at the wheel.
Ed Bull Media House back in the game.

Women's final round one. Morgane Charre vs Mathilde Bernard. A tight battle that would go to Charre.

It’s all in the differentials.

Finals. Charre vs Bernard round two. Charre slips and goes down thinking she has thrown away her advantage and the win. But if you look close Mathilde gets sketchy and her back wheel ends up cutting inside of the pole. Handing the win to Charre.

The Non-Covid Crew! They all just got their results today.
Famous Dual Slalom spectator, Vali Höll.
Be like Eddie and wear your mask!

Charley Murray, hot property right now. Making hearts in slalom after turning heads the last few weeks in Enduro.

Kaos slingshots the outside while Luke hugs the inside.

2020 Crankworx Innsbruck Pro Women's Dual Slalom Podium

Crazy finals for the women. First, they needed a re-run because someone walked through the timing beam. Then Morgane crashed, but Mathilde Bernard missed a gate. Happy Morgane with the win at the end.

Angie Hohenwarter went a bit wild in the small finals. P4 for the Austrian.

Semi-finals - Bernard Kerr against Adrien Loron.

Bernard Kerr was on it. 3rd place with cornering chops.

Caro Gehrig made it into finals. Actually her twin sister, Anita, wanted to race slalom and convinced her to also race. Anita got kicked out in qualis...

Eddie against Hannes Slavik. Hannes ended up on P8, and no he is not related to Tomas Slavik.

Unfortunately, Eddie went out in the round of 16 after a crash.

American Junior, Matthew Sterling with 4th.

Iago and Kaos were confused. This was Dual Slalom, not Speed n Style.

Winner, Adrien Loron, taking out a hard-charging Bernard Kerr.

Pivot mechanic Barnaby watching Morgan Charre racing against Angie

The making of Boris' glasses reflection shot.

Not a bad spot for a podium.

Watch the 2020 Crankworx Innsbruck Dual Slalom Replay from Red Bull TV



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