Casey Hoffman

About Me
Hey everyone! I guess I never realized how tough it is to write about myself. So here goes nothing. My names Casey Hoffman, but some call me CJ. I hail from the beautiful Pacific Northwest and reside in the state of Washington. I'm a pretty relaxed kicked back guy but I know when its time for business. I like to have fun anyway its possible. I'm always busy with something and bikes are usually that something. Almost everything I do involves riding in one way or another; whether I'm at the races, my home trails, or cruising the streets I'm on a bike loving every minute of it. I'm not one of those riders that was blessed with incredible bike skills so I work very hard to ride to my full potential. I've got big goals for myself as a rider and racer. My number one goal being to have as much fun on my bikes as I can. Maybe I'll see you around at the races or on a trail.
Lives in:
Spokane, WA, USA
Member Since: