Camp of Champions

About Me
The Camp of Champions now in its 22nd summer, uses the amazing combination of top pro riders as coaches, top of the line bikes, Ride Along Mechanics®, daily Pro Photo Shoots®, with video and still photographers, private Air Dome sessions, our own private mulch pit and dirt jumps and so much more to make a camp experience that can’t be beat. With our own dorms and "The Compound" our 20,000 square foot hospitality area filled with the ping pong tables, pool tables, foosball, couches, a 40 foot wide mini ramp for skating and BMX, our mulch pit and dirt jumps and Rockband on a 2600 watt sound system. We run with all settings cranked to 11 all summer. With the Whistler Bike Park, Air Dome and the mulch pit and dirt jumps as your home, you will learn so much in your time with us that it will feel like you just got an extra season of riding in just a week.
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