Wes Peebles Shreds Santiago Oaks // Local Riders Friday

Sometimes you don't need any music, just the sounds of pure shredding! Watch 30 Raw seconds of Wes Peebles blazing down Hawk in Santiago Oaks!

It's always a pleasure to get out and shoot with Wes. He is not only one of the fastest riders I know, but also probably one of the nicest! If you want to see more of Wes shredding, head over to his YouTube page!

My Camera: Sony A 6000 with Kit 16-50mm Lens
POV Camera: Go Pro Hero 5

Follow Wes on Instagram: @wes_peebles
Follow us on Instagram: @moawesome // @hannahawesomee
Follow Awesome MTB: @awesome.mtb

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-Mo Awesome
Credit: @moawesome

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