Danny Fairclough? Brendan MacAskill? Brendog's Quarantine Antics Continue
Episode 2 of the lockdown Rampage series and this one is a Danny Macaskill special with scratchy ridgelines and van hops. haha. Locked in at home has got my head spinning and all sorts of wild ideas have popped into my head. This one being one of the first actually. Loving filming these at home for you guys. Gets me back out on the mountain bike and feeling like I'm back at work. I mean its no UCI World Cup but keeps me out of trouble.... sort of. 🤔
Thanks for watching and already dreaming up ideas for the next one. Don't try this at home and stay safe. I'm a trained professional!!!! haha
Thanks for watching and already dreaming up ideas for the next one. Don't try this at home and stay safe. I'm a trained professional!!!! haha
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