Cam McCaul - Weekly Vlog, RAMPAGE Edition

You know what goes on DURING Rampage, because... well, there's a five hour live broadcast for that. During that broadcast, I get to sit between Sal Masekela and Part Parnell as we laugh, cry and make fun of each other all while doing our best to explain the insanity that IS Rampage.

My job, in particular, is to illustrate all the fine details of the riding to the viewer. My brother, Tyler McCaul, and some of my good friends make up a large percentage of the rider/builder field so the idea is, I should know what I'm talking about. To make absolutely positive that this is the case, I get to the desert a few days early to hike all over the mountain in order to learn all the lines, be aware of who is riding what, and witness some huge guinea-pig hits.

Since I'm making these weekly Video Logs now, it only made sense for me to carry around my camera and get some footage of the stuff that you don't always get to see. The stuff that happens Before And After Rampage. As per usual, my camera did a good job of catching some shenanigans along the way. You'll see the test runs and guinea pigs, but you'll also see Carson Storch getting a mullet, my daughter doing belly flops into the pool, Greg Watts getting squashed by Brad Ewen, and me pinballing down a chute on my bike. Hope you enjoy.


Riders and shenanigan-ers that you'll see: Cam Zink, Kyle Strait, Carson Storch, Brett Rheeder, Brandon Semenuk, Tom Van Steenbergen, Reed Boggs, Brendan Fairclough, Ethen Nell, Darren Berrecloth, Kyle Jameson, Dusty Wygle, Trixy, Pat Parnell, Sal Masekela, Brad Ewen, Greg Watts, and more.

Edited by // Taylor Sage

Ok Bye.-Cam

Credit: Cam McCaul // Taylor Sage

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