Press Release

BrakeAce’s Kickstarter offers pro-level braking analysis on your smartphone





Last year we released our wired BrakeAce sensor and app, and we have been able to help some of the biggest companies and fastest riders in the world understand their braking and get faster. Since this time, we have focused on creating a completely wireless system for riders at all levels, and we are offering these now on Kickstarter. 


The BrakeAce sensor fits between your frame or fork and your brake caliper, and can be installed just like any other brake spacer. The sensor size has been reduced, and only requires you to increase your rotor size by 20mm from the smallest your bike accepts. The sensor communicates by Bluetooth to your phone or tablet, and you can view or analyze your rides on any device or computer.


Once you’re in the BrakeAce app, you can choose to view just your FlowScore as a simple way to compare your braking with friends or between different runs, or you can look at details of individual brake events across the trail. Custom algorithms analyze all of your braking events, and the app shows you the three places on the trail where you have the most room for improvement. These are called your Key Opportunities, and you can track your progress in the app where your rides are stored.


The aim of the BrakeAce system is to make it easy for riders at any level to get faster without getting fitter, and simple scores mean you don’t need a team of data interpreters to do so. The app is made for riders to use on their own, but we want BrakeAce to work with coaches too. We are already looking at ways to integrate video tutorials and remote coaching into your braking recommendations.


The BrakeAce Kickstarter campaign offers early pricing of US$892 for a pair of sensors and the app, delivered in January 2022. After the campaign is finished, BrakeAce will be available through the BrakeAce website. 


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