New guy saying hi.

Edited Date/Time 6/3/2021 11:25pm
Hey there vital mtb. I decided to pick up the sport after many years of moto. Grabbed myself a lil cannondale, the used market is absolutely insane.

Any tips for the downhill type stuff? Or tips in general? I rode some standard type trails to start but once I hit up a lil fast single track I was blown away at how fun that actually is. Feels like moto to me.

I’m totally hooked and I think this will definitely be a one season bike then I’ll upgrade to something a lil more modern! Cheers.
6/3/2021 11:23pm Edited Date/Time 6/3/2021 11:24pm
Right on! Welcome. You’ll surely continue to have a blast. YouTube (can be) a good place for advice. Always liked Seths bike hacks (now Berm Peak). Been watching him for years

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