Can someone explain to me...

Dacono, CO US
Why TLD is still slapping Adidas all over their gear? I was looking at Brendog's Instagram and followed the tag to Adidas Instagram page where I did not find a single thing bike or moto related. I get it, they have a target audience that they need clicks from and we're not even a blip on the radar. So I visit their website, still noting. Not even under the sports category is there anything two wheel related. I finally found their outdoor website where they have their bike related products but still, no TLD. They've been a long time sponsor of the TLD moto team which is great, but can't we get some damn love? Isn't one of the main points of outside sponsorship (other than money, obviously) to get eyeballs on our sport? If I had to search Adidas that hard for a collaboration I know exists, there is no way an outsider is going stumble upon or sport through them. What am I missing?
Denver, CO US
11/8/2018 7:26pm
Based on timing (Fall 2018) my guess would be TLD and Adidas will drop a collaborating for spring/summer 2019. If I remember correctly TLD has previewed the next seasons gear during Rampage before.
Brașov RO
11/9/2018 1:48am
Adidas is bigger than TLD and it is a prestige collab that everybody benefits from, especially TLD. Also, in case you didn't notice, it's the era of collabs and they are all over the place, a thing that also kinda waters down the idea of collabs, since they're supposed to be special, but everybody's doing them, so... But this is a different story, so let's not get into the philosophy of collabs. Also, it's been said before: TLD have a long term partnership with Adidas, just like they have with Oakley, KTM, GoPro etc.

On the other hand, don't forget Brendan is a Five Ten athlete and Adidas own Five Ten and is pushing their MTB range called Terrex rather aggressively. It might be a sign of things to come. I have heard through the grapevine that Adidas plans to shut Five Ten down entirely and take over as a brand and some distributors were told to stop pushing Five Ten as it will go to Adidas anyway. I will sure hate that to happen, but I guess everybody has seen that pretty much all fresh Five Ten models were also branded Adidas at their most recent releases, so...

So, in my eyes, it's first a natural collab between two premium brands in a time when collabs are the hot thing to do. Second, it could be that Adidas is pushing their MTB agenda rather creatively, using their Five Ten athletes as natural image vectors.


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