Can anyone identify this bike?

Edited Date/Time 8/27/2020 2:38pm
Hey guys/girls, I am a complete newbie to MTN bikes (ride Motocross). When I finished up a job yesterday a client gave me a Giant dirt jumper that needs some TLC, but I have no idea of model or anything. Was hoping someone here could help me out please?img]…]
Reno, NV US
8/27/2020 2:27pm
That is a Giant STP dirt jumper. maybe like a 2007-ish range? Stout frame, made for urban assault and dirt jumps.
8/27/2020 2:38pm
BHowell wrote:
That is a Giant STP dirt jumper. maybe like a 2007-ish range? Stout frame, made for urban assault and dirt jumps.
Thank you! I need to find forks and a few other things to make it rideable.

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