
Kennewick, WA US
Edited Date/Time 8/10/2015 4:53pm
So I'm going camping to priest lake, ID soon. There aren't many bears in the lower part, but I've heard that they are higher. I went last year and haven't seen a single bear, not even it's poop. To be honest, I'm scared of bear attack! I did research, I have bear spray and a small pocket knife. I read that you should play dead until the bear stops acting defensively, then fight all you can. Some people say fight back, some say play dead. I will use bear spray as first resort. I wish I had a gun. Would a loud whistle be good to let the bears know I'm around? Or would that just "SURPRISE" them? Can't wait to go biking there!
Blackfoot, ID US
8/3/2015 11:29pm
I would try and contact the Priest Lake State Park authorities and see what they say are the best deterrents for bears in the area.

I have heard that what you do in a bear attack depends on the species of bear, but I imagine the Park Rangers will know best what bears are there, and how to deal with them.
Kennewick, WA US
8/4/2015 12:40am
taldfind wrote:
I would try and contact the Priest Lake State Park authorities and see what they say are the best deterrents for bears in the area. [url=][/url]...
I would try and contact the Priest Lake State Park authorities and see what they say are the best deterrents for bears in the area.

I have heard that what you do in a bear attack depends on the species of bear, but I imagine the Park Rangers will know best what bears are there, and how to deal with them.
Ok good idea! Thanks
8/10/2015 2:54pm
I totally read the title of this thread wrong... I thought it said "Biking+Beers!!" Oh well. Since your trick title got me in here I'll reply.

Looking up the stats, there's been zero fatal bear attacks in Idaho. Actually, you have a better chance of being killed by lightning than by a bear, as there's only been 61 fatalities since 1900 IN ALL OF NORTH AMERICA. In other words, I wouldn't worry about it beyond being cautious and carrying your spray.

I've had a brown bear try to push its head through my tent once while I was sleeping. Its head was INCHES above mine and I could feel it breathing and sniffing through the thin tent wall. It eventually moved on but I still didn't sleep the rest of the night.

And, just to put a little bit of fear back in you, watch this... Happy trails!
Kennewick, WA US
8/10/2015 4:53pm
I totally read the title of this thread wrong... I thought it said "Biking+Beers!!" Oh well. Since your trick title got me in here I'll reply...
I totally read the title of this thread wrong... I thought it said "Biking+Beers!!" Oh well. Since your trick title got me in here I'll reply.

Looking up the stats, there's been zero fatal bear attacks in Idaho. Actually, you have a better chance of being killed by lightning than by a bear, as there's only been 61 fatalities since 1900 IN ALL OF NORTH AMERICA. In other words, I wouldn't worry about it beyond being cautious and carrying your spray.

I've had a brown bear try to push its head through my tent once while I was sleeping. Its head was INCHES above mine and I could feel it breathing and sniffing through the thin tent wall. It eventually moved on but I still didn't sleep the rest of the night.

And, just to put a little bit of fear back in you, watch this... Happy trails!
I've seen that vid so many times! That really is scary! You shouldn't run, but hey, who wouldn't!? I will have bear spray, whistle and a small pocket knife if it gets too close! Priest lake only has black bears I think. They're less scary than grizzlies! Thanks!

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