Diatech hub rebuild kit

Edited Date/Time 8/15/2014 8:56pm
I love my Diatech hubs, but they are wearing out, i need new bearings for them, anyone know if there are any rebuild kits or what kind of bearings they take, i honestly dont know what kind they are as i forget and all the writing is worn off. but i dont want to replace as they are so far my favourite hubs
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
11/26/2012 9:58am
If they are sealed bearing hubs then you're in luck. Every sealed bearing has a code embossed on the seal of the bearing which denotes its O.D., I.D. and width. Once you get them out you can take them to any bearing house and get replacements of the same dimentions. If there is no bearing supplier nearby, McMaster Carr is a great online industrial supply company. Their website is vast, but with patience, you can find anything, shipped to you FAST. When you put the new ones back in, be very careful to only press on the outside race of the bearing or you'll ruin them.
11/26/2012 10:23am
I know not to pres the inside of a bearing my dad has been a automotive tech for 40 years and a heavy duty tech for 6 or so, but he doesnt know anything about bikes, but i can figure out how to do press the bearings. Thanks for the reply Smile
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
11/27/2012 8:50am
Sounds like your dad has a sweet set of tools. His long socket sets, metric and standard, can often be used as press tools. Just find the one that hits the outside race and not the wall of the hub and either tap gently with a hammer or use a vice to provide more even pressure. Hope that helps.

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