Mark and Reece

Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
Edited Date/Time 8/16/2014 4:37am
Something's up with the Mark and Reese Shred Whistler vid. Every time I try to watch it, or even just select it, Safari "Quits unexpectedly".
6/15/2012 4:05pm
Do you have a link to the video page? I do not see a video with a title containing the word "Reese".
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
6/15/2012 6:29pm Edited Date/Time 6/15/2012 6:48pm
Sorry. I misspelled it. It's the "Mark and Reece shred Whistler bike park." vid. I don't know how to link. Thanks... Wait, I just remembered how to link by cutting and pasting the address in the top of the browser. I'm not a permanent idiot. It's a moot point though because safari would crash before I could copy it.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
6/16/2012 7:17am
The Syndicate in Fort William vid. just did it to me as well. Maybe it's just my crappy old computer. It's always been slow. Videos play like slideshows, and the slideshows don't play at all. It's an Apple Powerbook G4.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
7/11/2012 8:10am Edited Date/Time 7/11/2012 10:05am
I'm having the same problem today, but now it's with at least half of the vids up, including Life Behind Bars 6. I need my Semenuk. Well. It worked on about the tenth try. I'm going to chalk it up to an old computer and quit bugging you guys.
7/11/2012 11:36am
It sounds to me like you don't have enough resources on your computer to play the video. Try setting HD to Off in the upper-right corner of the video player and let me know if that helps things. You can do this on any Vital MTB video and the settings will be saved for future videos.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
8/8/2012 7:54am
It's probably just my shit old computer again (The sound stopped working for a bit the other day.) but this morning none of the videos will play. It doesn't crash safari, there's just a blank black screen and no play arrow.
8/8/2012 10:39pm
Big Bird wrote:
It's probably just my shit old computer again (The sound stopped working for a bit the other day.) but this morning none of the videos will...
It's probably just my shit old computer again (The sound stopped working for a bit the other day.) but this morning none of the videos will play. It doesn't crash safari, there's just a blank black screen and no play arrow.
Should be fine now (fixed earlier today). Was a totally different issue than before.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
9/13/2012 8:02am
I'm having that problem again worse than ever. But I've narrowed it down a bit. It seems to be the adds before the vids, not the vids themselves. There's the little spinning dial that counts up to 100 before the adds start and when it doesn't add up, Safari crashes.
9/18/2012 9:57am
Are you referring to videos from us or videos embedded from places such as YouTube or Vimeo?
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
9/19/2012 8:12am
It doesn't seem to matter where the videos are from. It's happened with all three. The common theme is that it happens when the pre-video add, which I assume you guys add to bring us all this awesome content for free, has trouble playing. The little white clock spins, it tries to count to 100, spinning pinwheel of death and shutdown.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
1/5/2013 8:50am
I don't know if you were able to do something to fix the problem, but I played all the videos I wanted today and didn't crash safari once. Maybe I just got lucky and if so wish me more luck, but if it was you, thanks! and good work.
1/5/2013 9:43am
Big Bird wrote:
I don't know if you were able to do something to fix the problem, but I played all the videos I wanted today and didn't crash...
I don't know if you were able to do something to fix the problem, but I played all the videos I wanted today and didn't crash safari once. Maybe I just got lucky and if so wish me more luck, but if it was you, thanks! and good work.
We just launched an updated video player, so this is likely more than a lucky streak for you - it should be (ideally) gone for good. Please let us know if you see anything of the sort again. Thanks!
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
1/6/2013 9:16am
It was just luck. No video today and a lot of crashes. I noticed the new player when you switched it and still had the same problem for weeks until yesterday. It's got to be my old computer. Even when it will play a video, they're always jerky. I've gotten used to seeing riders approach a lip, I miss the trick, then I see them land. I've got a potential job building a vocal booth for a friend of my brothers. He's an apple guy and will update my computer as part of the job. Wish me luck. I'll stop complaining until then.
1/7/2013 11:29am
Big Bird wrote:
It was just luck. No video today and a lot of crashes. I noticed the new player when you switched it and still had the same...
It was just luck. No video today and a lot of crashes. I noticed the new player when you switched it and still had the same problem for weeks until yesterday. It's got to be my old computer. Even when it will play a video, they're always jerky. I've gotten used to seeing riders approach a lip, I miss the trick, then I see them land. I've got a potential job building a vocal booth for a friend of my brothers. He's an apple guy and will update my computer as part of the job. Wish me luck. I'll stop complaining until then.
I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know how things go when you upgrade your computer. Thanks.

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