We have made it past the first few weeks of January after the indulgence of the holidays, and the resolve for those resolutions you made on the 1st of January may have faded slightly. However, we have come up with some ideas for a few easy resolutions to keep you fit and help you progress your riding in 2015.
1. Your post ride ritual
Taking a few minutes after every ride to care for your body and your bike will make both last longer. Ten minutes stretching before you jump in the shower will hope you avoid injury and make you feel better on the bike. Giving your suspension a quick wipe down, and your drivetrain a clean and lube after a muddy winter ride can also help save you mechanical malfunctions and help your components last longer. The same goes for your diet, eating or drinking something with a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio after a long ride will help to avoid that excessive fatigue between rides and speed up recovery. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, Pasta and Bolognese will do!
2. Off-the-bike fitness
Want to beat your mates to the top of that climb? Other than riding more (obviously preferable) it can be harder to get out with the shorter days. It doesn't have to mean heading to the gym, taking up running, going to your local bouldering wall or hitting the BMX track can boost your performance and ultimately help you enjoy those descents a little more by feeling less tired after the climb up!
Bouldering can be a fun way to develop your core and upper body strength.
Small wheels can be fun too
3. Riding technique
One part of the trail that is stopping you in your tracks? Stop and look at it, watch others do it, ask those who find it easy what their secret is. There is little better feeling that conquering that bit of trail that had you stumped beforehand. Progression is fun!
4. Get involved in a dig day
It's easy to take for granted trails that are there day in day out, but behind every well maintained trail is a bunch of volunteers keeping it prime. It feels good to give back to the riding community and you might even get some tips on riding whilst you are at it.
5. Challenge yourself in a race
Nothing give you the buzz quite a like a chance to pit yourself against your mates and members of the public in a race. Giving yourself a goal for training like a race can also really help to focus your riding. It doesn't have to be the BDS DH series, even just a local mates race can give you a taste of the competitive side of riding and help raise money for your local riding scene.
From all of us at Peak Leaders, we hope you have an awesome 2015! Start your journey!
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