Rampage on an E-Bike? Ethan Nell Rides the YT DECOY in Utah 2 Rampage on an E-Bike? Ethan Nell Rides the YT DECOY in Utah Vital MTB Play Again Earlier this year we launched our first e-enduro the DECOY. With our heritage and stacked roster of freeride athletes, it was our mission to push the boundaries of what e-MTB’s can do. Credit: YT Industries Related: YT Freeride E-Bike Ethan Nell Share to Facebook Facebook Facebook Share to Twitter Twitter Twitter iceman2058 10/30/2019 8:00am Share to Facebook Facebook Facebook Share to Twitter Twitter Twitter Related 2 comments Sort: Newest FirstOldest FirstPopular View replies to: Rampage on an E-Bike? Ethan Nell Rides the YT DECOY in Utah To post, please join, log in or connect to Vital using your Facebook profile Login with Facebook.
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