Josh Solman and Tyler McBride are two full time engineers whose post work past time involves tossing dirt and laying trail. I would say that sums it up but the devils in details...
3 Years
25 Berms
137 Pulled Stumps
2 Shark Fins
10 Doubles
5 Broken Picks
4 Split Boulders
2 Bridges
491 Hot Dogs
…and one hell of a crew.
For the Love of the Game
That’s right, this co-captained merry band of misfits whose fondness for Tom Cruise and trash talk make the pick, pack and slap of any Tuesday night just about the only place you want to be. Because behind the buds, suds, and bbq’s on the day, it’s not hard to see the higher functions of the “goon spoon” at work.
So this one is for all those crews out there keeping those legends alive… the ones ridden by everyone, owned by no one, and built on THE LOVE OF THE GAME.
This Summer saw the release of their three year labour of love known as “Something Different” to the Rossland BC riding community, and yes it’s as good as it looks.
Presented by: ION Bike
Builders: Tyler McBride, Josh Solman, Paul Isberg, Matt Lewis, James Wall, Shannon Martin
Trail Dogs: Lucy, Wayne, and Tehya
Film By: Mike Hopkins and Simon Hillis
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