It's here, finally! The group formerly known as thinkBIG productions is proud present their latest achievement.
The full-length movie "Action Heroes" features a variety of top German riders, including Felix Rosendahl, Jonas Berndt, Patrick Schweika, Sascha Dietzel, Julian Puczkus, Tobi Wrobel, Niki Leitner, Marius Hoppensack, Amir Kabbani, Hendrik Tafel, Patrick Rasche, Boris Beyer, Ludwig Jäger, Stephan Peters, Robin Specht, Carlo Dieckmann and Mike Plümacher
A Film by Lukas Tielke
Associate Production Manuel Rueda
Filmed by Lukas Tielke
Additional Filming Manuel Rueda, Daniel Roos, Lars Doehring
Edited by Lukas Tielke
Motion Graphics Manuel Rueda
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