Ben Reid and the boys on his Dirt Orange team are running prototype coil shocks from X-Fusion (a completely novel piggy back reservoir, here mounted on the company’s current Vector Coil HLR shock body). The big deal here is the use of 2 different pressurized chambers in the piggy back. One runs very high pressure, the other one very low pressure. The low pressure chamber is easily activated in the early parts of the travel to minimize stiction, and once you reach the end of that chamber (i.e. once you displace enough oil to fully compress the low-pressure chamber’s piston), the high-pressure chamber is activated, effectively increasing the shock’s resistance to compression in the latter part of the stroke. The behavior is position-sensitive, not speed-sensitive. The point at which the “switch over” takes place is adjustable (the blue knob seen at the end of the piggy back can), as is the degree to which the behavior differs between the 2 chambers (by playing with air pressures). Additionally, the proto shock features the traditional hi- and lo-speed compression adjustments as well as rebound. Ben tells us the shock is very sensitive and works really well on his single pivot Orange. It should be nearing production too from what we understand…
Johan Hjord