Also new from Crankbrothers is the Highline dropper seatpost. This replaces the Kronolog in Crankbrothers' lineup. It's no secret that Crankbrothers had several reliability issues with the Kronolog, and they didn't want to release any new products until they were bulletproof. They have performed several additional tests this time around to prove out their concepts before production. Crankbrothers says the Highline has achieved 40,000 cycles in lab tests before failure, as opposed to 12,000 cycles for the RockShox Reverb, just for comparison. The Highline uses hydraulic internals with mechanical (cable) actuation.
The bar mounted remote has a ball joint which allows you to place it in any position that is most comfortable for you.
The dropper weighs 580 grams, has 125mm of travel, and comes is 30.9 and 31.8mm diameters. The total length is 400mm. It's internally routed and uses a quick-connect mechanism for easy removal when you want to service the post. The head uses a two bolt quick-release design to make mounting saddles easier. Crankbrothers also uses a Trelleborg seal, which is said to decrease contamination, a common cause of seat post failure.
Crankbrothers offers a generous three-year warranty with the post. It will go for $350.