Press Release

Contest Time - Win a Complete Maxima Care Package for You and a Friend

Keep that bike running stronger for longer with Maxima's cleaning products.

Keeping your bike clean is a surefire way to make it last longer. With the bike shortage going on right now, it's best you keep that pony pretty! Do you have a friend that could use a little help in that department? Maxima USA has the perfect contest to help out the both of you!

Here's what you need to do in order to win a prize pack for both yourself and that pigpen friend:

  • Step 1 - Head to Vital's Instagram page.
  • Step 2 - Tag a friend who's bike is always dirty and use the tag #MaximaBike
  • Step 3 - You must both follow @MaximaUSA to be eligible.

The total prize pack includes Maxima Bio Wash, Chain Pro, Matte Finish Cleaner, Degreaser, and a 3-Pack of Microfiber Towels

Contest details:

  • 10 winners will be selected and BOTH the commenter and the person mentioned will receive a bike care package
  • Limited to US addresses only

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