Total stage domination - we usually only get to write that about Cecile Ravanel in the women's race, but today in Finale the tables were turned. Just like at the last round in Ainsa, Richie Rude once again led the race from start to finish, but this time he also swept the stages, while Cecile Ravanel crashed early on and had to fight her way back, overtaking Isabeau Courdurier for the race win only on the very last stage of the day. In doing so, Ravanel clinched the overall title in the women's for the third year staight, while Sam Hill rode conservatively (by his standards) to secure his second men's overall title on the trot after his main rival Martin Maes was forced out of the race due to a hand injury. Listen in as Sven talks to Sam below, and stay tuned for slide show coverage before getting ready for a long offseason of waiting for it all to kick off again in 2019!
Sam Hill Audio
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