so this weekend is UCI-sanctioned snow bike world champs. Dual Slalom and Super G events in Chatel, France. invest in screws while you still can.…
PDF of the technical guide here -…
The same bike must be used for both events.
The use of studded tires is authorized following these conditions:
- maximum height: 6mm
- maximum one nail per spike
Rider entry list here
Elite Men
Léo Abella - France
Miguel Abrantes - Portugal
Fridolin Amiguet - Switzerland
Scott Beaumont - Great Britain
Francescu Camoin - France
Julian Claudi - Germany
Thomas Di Litta - France
Stefan Dolder - Switzerland
Erik Emmrich - Germany
Benoit Fellay - Switzerland
Claude Gex - Switzerland
Danny Hart - Great Britain
Geoffrey Heuzard - France
Erik Irmisch - Germany
Baptiste Jalladeau - France
Henry Kerr - Ireland
Florian Kulike - Germany
Jules Laffay - Switzerland
Clement Laugier - France
Hannes Lehmann - Germany
Dylan Levesque - France
Théo Mathieu - France
Simon Maurer - Germany
Kévyn Mayeur - France
Kevin Meyer - France
Filip Miksa - Poland
Harry Molloy - Great Britain
Benjamin Moore - Great Britain
Jonathan Moret - Switzerland
Marius Perraudin - Switzerland
Stefan Peter - Switzerland
Jack Piercy - Great Britain
Kevin Rivera - France
Tobias Schafferhans - Germany
Tilmann Schwab - Germany
Emilien Serpaggi - France
Pierre Thevenard - France
Jules Troillet - Switzerland
Vincent Tupin - France
Josh Turner - Great Britain
Antoine Vidal - France
Myles Weber - Switzerland
Mirco Widmer - Switzerland
Elite Women
Lisa Baumann - Switzerland
Morgane Charre - France
Sidonie Jolidon - Switzerland
Sabrina Jonnier - France
Jolanda Kiener - Switzerland
Lucie Paltz - France
Veronika Widmann - Italy
Kindred spirits
This is going to be the most underwhelming World Champs event since underwater basket weaving.
Freaking embarassing...
Dual slalom finally getting the prominence it ought to enjoy!!
Is it broadcast anywhere? There are some heavy/medium hitters racing.. I would watch it.. I'm not sure it's eligible for a wordlchamp title, it is strictly european..
If the course is like the latest Fabio vid it could be pretty cool
I don't know why this triggers me so much... but consider me annoyed bordering on angry.
Does number of UCI world championships medals influence number of athletes an Olympic committee can send to Paris this summer? Based on the number of Swiss and French cyclists in the lineup it’s the only reasonable explanation I can conjure up for this event.
Is it to late to add an "indifferent" option to the vote? It's kind of lame enough not to give a shit either way.
If you don't give a shit either way, then you just don't give a shit. So the "not neat idea" option applies.
For me this is just another example of how out of touch the UCI are. The sooner they are replaced the better. I pity the athletes that are taking part.
Not a single Australian! Could have been like the Jamaican bobsled team!
"wtf is snow" Australians.
This could potentially be WILD, I'll be keen to watch some footage. Racing on snow is usually insane! It used to be more of a thing in the 90's & 2000's so I'm not going to write it off yet.
I don't get why people have to rage out so hard on new events? No ones making you participate in or watch it. Good on Danny Hart for giving it a nudge - could be a trendsetter!
I for one remember winter X games and how well it went then.
Also, not sure if its a US thing, but if yall haven't built something in the last year or so, the price of screws is through the roof right now. Big Screw must be happy about this decision.
my first thoughts were LONG LIVE SLALOM
while I do prefer slalom on dirt, this is the most world cup slalom action we've had in some time. hopefully it starts a trend.
Probably because of how poor a job they’re doing for DH and Enduro at the moment.
Surely the money they’re spanking on this could be put to better use!!
I remember the winter x games well through my rose tinted specs of “the good old days”.
They were a great laugh to watch.
If this was a redbull event- hardline on snow - I’d be pretty stoked. But its being organised by the UCI.
Nah mate, indifferent is a blank ballot. There's no need to project.
In ballot terms a blank ballot means just that. No box is ticked and the ballot is submitted blank.
If you were truly “indifferent” you would’ve scrolled right on past this thread but you came in and commented. Something compelled you that it was important to let everyone know how “indifferent” you are.
It’s like walking in to a room and stating to everyone how cool and humble you are. It invalidates what could’ve be true.
Had you moseyed on by, we would all be unknowingly indifferent to your “indifference” and the world would be in balance. But no, you had to speak up and ruin it for everyone.
I feel the same way about snow biking as I do about videos of people skiing on grass
That's the beauty of a discussion forum. All opinions count, even those we disagree with.
The dual slalom could be entertaining as head to head racing always is. However it's on a ski run, which I can relate to about as much as I can a velodrome. I've got nothing against track racing, but I'm not enamored with it either for that matter.
It would have just been nice to have had a yeah/nah/neither of the above option on the vote because it's not always black/white. That's all.
Thanks, as a skier that was such a bummer to watch
Pomerelle Resort, here in Idaho used to put on a 4X snow race and it was stupid fun. Not a huge turnout, which isn't a huge surprise just based on the feedback from this thread alone, but it was always a good time. I'd go back if they did it again as a qualifier for Snowbike Worlds, which is what I started training for yesterday. Just kidding, but I would watch the feed if there was one.
Bringing back memories of Biker X in the Winter X games.
How's this for a throwback -
Underrated video right here. When are the world champs of urban summer skiing?
"It's not like we are going to ride on the snow"
Well, yep, that's still one of my favorite video segments ever. How were people that stylish with bikes with the wrong angles?
I have a Rocky Blizzard for winter and studs on my Rootdown for when then snow pack sucks. My local trail association even started grooming my local shuttle trails, even some steep stuff which has been amazing. Snow ridings fun, dumb and feels the most like going out friends sledding as a kid more than anything else I've tried....... but racing on a world stage seems goofy for some reason.
I just keep thinking of all the people crashing at the start of Mega-avalanche and sliding forever and not being able to recover and then their runs done. Like, not get up and fight the good fight anyway, just done because your suddenly very far away from you bike on a GS course. But I guess we'll see.
I can’t explain why, but BPC 1 as a stand alone thing really won me over. Quite the vibe.
At least they’re not E-Bikes?
What’s next, a reboot of the Reebok Eliminator presented by Hypercolor, featuring Dan Cortese on the mic?
If the course has some spice, DH on snow is a great idea. Dual slalom has never interested me, however.
We did this before, main-stream....winter x-games snow biking. Wasn't a hit then...but, maybe with climate change the mountains are getting more snow these days, or not.
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