MTB Compliance Analysis: Danny Hart's Modified GT Fury Frame

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US

Danny Hart's GT Fury caught a lot of attention this past World Cup season as it had some notable structural frame modifications to increase compliance. Dale, Danny's mechanic, is a veteran frame engineer and had some great ideas on how to fine tune Danny's bike to work best for his style and to eke out the literal hundreths of a second needed to win races. If you haven't seen these mods, check out this quick section of Vital's PIT BITS video here. 

BTwB Fury BTwB Title.jpg?VersionId=TvAcC6biHMHg8z4jfQx72pdFNF

Let's dig into each modification. This will be extra fun because I was fortunate enough to be the lead engineer on the GT Fury frame, so I'm pretty intimate with how and why it works. My first notes are that Danny isn't a huge guy. He's 5 ft 10 in (177.8 cm) and weighs 154 lbs (11 Stone). The Fury was designed with compliance in mind, and learnings from previous generations of frame designs before it led to where we wanted the frame to be stiff and where we wanted our compliance to come from.

Our approach with the Fury mostly aligns with what was discussed in my last compliance article. TL;DR - A bike seems to handle more consistently when you introduce compliance through the seat stays, allowing for more roll while keeping stiffness in the chainstays and between the connection of the chainstay and the front triangle, reducing wag. This roll-biased agility allows for frame compliance with less compromise in handling. It ensures the bike maintains good pedaling stiffness so that it doesn't flex under pedaling, reducing the perceived pedal efficiency.

5 Lets Rolllll 0 0.jpg?VersionId=qxPDfI0QT

Combining this roll-biased compliance with a reasonable amount of anti-squat makes for a race bike when pedaling out of the gate and out of corners. You can have high anti-squat, but if your bike is a noodle, it will not feel as peppy as a bike with high anti-squat and stout pedaling stiffness, where the bottom bracket doesn't wag side to side under hard pedaling. It may not actually be faster, but it feels faster. Feeling fast is great for your head, and your head can be why you win or lose races.

It makes sense that Danny would want more compliance if he's not a big guy. It also makes sense to design the stiffness of a bike to accommodate the majority of riders and compromise for as few as possible. If you design the stiffness for the average rider, the bike may not be stiff enough for all of the riders heavier than that average rider. If you design the stiffness for 80% of the riders, it's a good balance where most riders will get enough stiffness, but you still have some flex so that all riders aren't miserable riding the bike. 

Slight Detour to Talk About Frame Manufacturing

You may ask, why don't you make a bike perfectly stiff for every rider, right? That's the ultimate goal, but it's never that simple. You often have to use the same frame parts between all frame sizes because if you didn't, the cost would be so high that people wouldn't be able to afford the bike, and then you wouldn't have a business. If you don't have a business, you don't get to make bikes… and that's no fun.

I know a lot of people get this, but it's worth mentioning as a reminder. The engineering challenge is often: how do you make a bike that makes the most people happy while also sustaining a business? It's not as fun as making the world's fastest bike at all costs, but this isn't F1, where the racing IS the business. Most bikes need to win on Sunday and sell on Monday, and that's okay. 

I would argue the stiffness of the Fury is a great balance of enough stiffness for most people who ride it and still provides enough compliance to keep people comfortable but ensures there isn't too much compliance for the larger riders, which would hurt their handling. It is biased toward being a little more stiff than a little less stiff for this exact reason, and I believe that if given only one chassis to work with between all frame sizes, this is the best balance.

BTwB Fury-01A.jpg?VersionId=AdT5iyf78gU7QQlS.UKQjy

The regions highlighted in white show where material was removed. 

We see the modified parts: the link, the seatstay bridge, and the chainstay forgings. So, why modify these parts and not others? Practically speaking, these are the only components you can change without creating entirely new parts, which often take too long to produce and cost a lot of money.

For example, if you were to design a custom-machined seatstay bridge, you'd need to design it, send it out for machining (where it joins a queue with other projects), and then ship it back to weld it to the seatstays. Coordinating the seatstays requires working with your busy manufacturer, welding, and then heat-treating the part. Where's the closest heat treatment facility? Can you join their next batch? Heat treating just one part is too expensive, and most bike companies don't have their own heat treatment oven. This one part could end up costing many thousands of dollars but more expensive is the opportunity cost of not working on production projects that provide revenue for the business. Every step is surprisingly expensive. 

You see where I'm going with this—it's a lot of time and effort. And often, you simply don't have that time because the first race is next month, and you still need to test ride the bike before then. The solution? Work with what you've got! 

How To Find the Right Amount of Compliance

Step 1 is to add as much compliance as possible to see if the bike can meet the rider's preferences or provide the feel they're looking for. It's essentially a form of bracket testing. Let's dive into each of Danny and Dale's modifications, discuss its purpose, and review a simple Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model to measure how much these changes affect stiffness.

BTwB Fury FEA-02 0

Red shows where the most movement is happening when this FEA model is loaded.

This FEA model I put together is pretty simple and just focuses on rear triangle flex. Yes, it should be at sag… actually, past sag for high G compressions, but this is more of a quick taste of what the mods do to the frame, so let's not worry about it 😊. A lot of people have never gotten to see a simulation like this, so it's fun learning for all. The model has a fake rear wheel so we can visualize any wag and roll. The red coloring shows where the greatest movement is happening relative to the center plane of the bike. (If anyone wants to see a specific mod and its effect on this frame mock-up, let me know, and I will try to run it.)

I used 1000N applied to the contact patch of a 27.5-inch tire (defined as rigid in the model), pushing to the rider's left like you were in a left-hand tight berm. The load and these displacement numbers are somewhat arbitrary and are more for A-B comparison between the mods. I chose this load because I needed a load that would flex the frame enough to allow us to easily see a difference between each mod. Below, we can see the unmodified Fury frame being flexed in the FEA.

BTwB Fury unmodified-03.jpg?VersionId=7jQgiZsu.aCZbM4XoPVgyPf

The stock, unmodified frame has the rear wheel contact patch move 11.5mm relative to the bottom bracket. We can see the rear wheel tilted to the side in the rear view, indicating roll. The top view shows the hub has shifted over to the side and is now at an angle, indicating some wag. Note these displacement images are exaggerated by a scale of 4X to allow you to see the movement more easily so take them with a grain of salt.

Link Modification Analysis

Let's start with the modified link. The stock is wild in itself. It was made to look cool and compliment the Fury's unique frame layout. It's not structurally efficient, but that's okay. It ended up beefy, but it's in the center of the bike, so you don't notice it much. We see plenty of World Cup teams adding weight to their light DH frames, so let's just say this bike has that centralized ballast built into the frame, from the factory 😉 Regardless, you can cut some material out of the linkage, and it could still be safe to ride depending on how you do it. However, mods like this can be strong enough for now, but the fatigue life of the part can be dramatically reduced, and in a year or two, you may see a part failure. So please don't do this to your frame. Dale did it safely, using his experience in bike linkage design and with this being a race bike, it's only going to be ridden for a season, max.

BTwB Fury-01 0

Now, the "web" between the two sides of the linkage is removed, and the seatstays can flex up and down relative to each other, allowing for some roll out of the rear triangle. 

Seatstay Bridge Modification Analysis

This brings us to the seatstay bridge modification. Let's say you didn't modify the link and only reduced the size of the seatstay bridge. The link is stiff enough that not much compliance would be induced, even with the smaller seatstay bridge. The same applies if you modify the link but leave the seatstay bridge untouched, though to a lesser extent. I could show you the comparison in FEA, but these models take time to run and troubleshoot—so just trust me on this one; things change, but not much.

Modifying only one part will add some compliance, but "some" isn't that useful for learning. More than "some" is. By modifying both parts, you can achieve greater flex and fully experience the pros and cons, knowing you can always revert back to an unmodified part later if it becomes too compliant. 

BTwB Fury-04

You could remove the entire seatstay bridge, but this could cause problems over time. Without the bridge, the bearings pressed into the link might start to walk out of the link, as the original design relies on the seatstay bridge to keep the link-to-seatstay assembly aligned and the bearings securely in place. Fully removing the bridge could also cause the seatstays to contact and rub against the link. Dale wisely retained a small portion of the seatstay bridge to avoid this issue—good call. 

Link + Seatstay Bridge Mod Analysis

Modifying both the link and the seatstay bridge introduces additional roll to the frame compared to the unmodified frame. As shown below, removing the seatstay bridge and modifying the link allowed for increased compliance.

BTwB Fury FEA sslink mods-05

The modified seatstay bridge and linkage cause the rear wheel contact patch to move 14mm relative to the bottom bracket. We can see there is more roll compared to the unmodified frame. The amount the hub moves to the side looks fairly similar to the unmodified frame, indicating we see more roll introduced instead of a wag.

Chainstay Modification Analysis

Like the link, the chainstay design is unique due to the aesthetic of the Fury. The goal was to keep this part stout to maintain high perceived pedal efficiency and ensure the bike doesn't wag in corners. However, if your bike is already stiffer than you want, you weren't going to experience wag in corners anyway. Adding compliance that gets you closer to introducing wag isn't a big deal, as the tracking and comfort of the frame can often be more important.

BTwB Fury-06.jpg?VersionId=VuoEtjmqTi624LsiYJSc

The chainstay tubes themselves are fixed—they would be very difficult to modify—so once again, you have to work with what you've got. Removing material from the chainstay forgings makes sense. Why there? Dale explains this in a few videos, and his reasoning is spot on. Removing material from the bottom of the chainstay forging is the safest way to add compliance without increasing stress in the areas that see the most load. Doing this modification alone, without other changes, would introduce more wag than the stock Fury. However, combining this with modifications to the link and seatstay bridge creates a frame with a similar roll and wag to the original design but with a notable increase in compliance.

BTwB Fury allmods-05.jpg?VersionId=E99sImIExaiTW755CP9rpJ

With all mods applied (seatstay bridge, linkage, chainstay forgings), the rear wheel contact patch moves 22.1mm relative to the bottom bracket. We can see from the top view that the rear hub has shifted quite a bit over to the side and is angled, indicating wag. This also means the bottom bracket can more easily move side to side when pedaling.

So what did we see in terms of differences in compliance between the modified and unmodified rear triangles? We can go into percentages and numbers, but since this isn't the real model of the rear triangle and just a mock-up, they would only be so useful… but we'll do it anyways: 

Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 10.51.27%E2%80%AFAMBTwB Fury comparison-07.jpg?VersionId=h1xl2.Z

It's more compliant now. I'm not sure where "too compliant" is for Danny's speed and weight. Maybe he will let us know? (Danny, if you're out there, let us know🤞). This data is only useful with rider feedback but it's fun for this article. 

One last mod to talk about—and this one is neat: the endcap for the hub, designed to keep your hub from moving much relative to your brake mount. This often doesn't get much attention. If the brake mount area of your frame is super flexy, your rotor will push into your caliper, causing it to drag on the pads. In extreme cases, it can even reset your brake positions during hard cornering—especially if you're dropping into a corner so hard it feels like you're landing sideways… or if you're actually landing sideways. This is known as brake pad knockback.

BTwB Fury-08.jpg?VersionId=sO

I personally suspect this is one of the causes of Shimano's wandering bite point: a stiff rotor combined with mineral oil-lubricated pistons (slippery), plus a compliant frame loaded in a corner, can slightly reset one side of your brake caliper. This requires you to pump the brake to get it back to normal. That said, this doesn't happen with all brake setups, but it's worth considering in frame design. Some brakes might get a bad rap because of a flaw in the frame. Like how shocks sometimes blow up, and people blame the shock company, when in reality, the frame wasn't even close to aligned throughout the suspension travel.

Back to Danny's bike. I've seen bikes where the dropout is so flimsy you can grab the rear wheel and cause pad knockback with an uncomfortable amount of ease. The Fury doesn't have this problem, but at the high speeds and loads of a World Cup rider or track—combined with large, stiff 200mm+ rotors—it might happen occasionally. Once you're aware of this, you might as well do everything you can to reduce or avoid it. That's what Dale has done with this dropout endcap. Most riders will never experience this issue, so no, you don't need to rush out and have a custom endcap made. And since he's adding more compliance to the frame, pad knockback becomes more likely, so it's a smart move. It's like the Torque Caps on RockShox forks, but for the rear. It's cool, and it's a great idea. More brake companies may want to set a minimum dropout-to-brake-mount stiffness requirement for frame companies so their brakes don't get blamed for issues caused by frames. But that's up to them. It also might not even be a real problem and I could be completely wrong.

Anyhow, hope you liked this article. Let me know what questions you have and fun things you want to talk about that relate to this. We can dig into this simple FEA model and try some things on it, happy to nerd out. If anyone is making their own bike frame and has it modeled in SolidWorks and wants to look at it on FEA, hit me up via DM. It could be fun to run an FEA on it and make recommendations on how to get more out of your frame design, and we can all learn and get better from it. Shred on and Happy New Year!

1/6/2025 4:09am

Amazing write up! Thanks so much for the insights Ryan! Smile

1/6/2025 7:44am

Reckon norco can successfully design flex for both Danny and Greg? Or they stop chasing an infinitely stiff for Greg? 

1/6/2025 7:59am

Great article, and it would be amazing to see rider feedback Vs each of the changes (of course run blind, with a sock over the modified parts). But it got me thinking about the front to rear balance in compliance - how does the relative stiffness to wag and roll for a fork compare to the rear - mental FEA says stiff in roll but fairly soft in wag. Would it be useful to balance both ends, and how would you do it? Machine down the axle interface to do an anti-torque-cap? Take material off the lowers around the axle?

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/6/2025 8:26am

Reckon norco can successfully design flex for both Danny and Greg? Or they stop chasing an infinitely stiff for Greg? 

Yeah, they'll do a great job dialing in compliance, I’m sure of it. They appear to have the resources to alter the bike for both riders preferences and make a stiff bike for Greg and maybe a less stiff bike for Danny. Sometimes it’s not about finding the “right” stiffness for the bike but what the rider believes makes them faster. If a rider believes a stiffer chassis suits their strengths and will help them go faster, then make it stiffer. If they’re happy with the setup and they are correct, they usually ride faster even if it goes against an engineering theory about what makes a bike faster. With a winning track record like Greg’s, it’s hard to argue against his preferences, even if we could theoretically design a faster bike.

It’s totally possible we’ll see riders on the same Norco bikes with very different stiffness characteristics, and both could win. There are so many variables. The rider’s size, skill, strengths, the chaos of the track, and their bike setup all play a role. Different combinations of setups might lead to the fastest result, even if they’re completely different. I think this is why DH racing is so interesting... It is more complex than racing a car on a track. 

It's not too different from us witnessing both high pivot and low pivot bikes win DH races. They both can win. They both have pros/cons and if the riders preferences and skills align with the pros/cons of the bike then you can have a winning combo with either. 

1/6/2025 10:40am

Hey Ryan, again, awesome work, I really love this stuff, and it is why I got into using data acquisition on my bike!  I read this over a few times and have some questions!

Why did you decide on 1000n of force?  With my data acquisition, I have recorded 30g at the rear axle of lateral force, which isn't convertible to N, but say 1 "gravity" is considered as the force of gravity on Earth, is roughly 9.8 N/kg.  So, let's say I hit the max of 300n, could you run the calculations on that and see what % difference you are seeing with the different setups?

Also. would a more lateral-compliant wheel change the compliance?  Say 28h rear wheel vs 32h.  Some of the "compliance" will be taken up by the wheel and not transferred into the frame.


Santa Cruz, CA US
1/6/2025 12:29pm
Hey Ryan, again, awesome work, I really love this stuff, and it is why I got into using data acquisition on my bike!  I read this...

Hey Ryan, again, awesome work, I really love this stuff, and it is why I got into using data acquisition on my bike!  I read this over a few times and have some questions!

Why did you decide on 1000n of force?  With my data acquisition, I have recorded 30g at the rear axle of lateral force, which isn't convertible to N, but say 1 "gravity" is considered as the force of gravity on Earth, is roughly 9.8 N/kg.  So, let's say I hit the max of 300n, could you run the calculations on that and see what % difference you are seeing with the different setups?

Also. would a more lateral-compliant wheel change the compliance?  Say 28h rear wheel vs 32h.  Some of the "compliance" will be taken up by the wheel and not transferred into the frame.


1000N isn’t a massive load. Assuming a 75kg rider with a 50/50 weight distribution, it’s only 2.7g.

Your 30g is probably at a much higher frequency than what would typically cause frame displacement.

For your 28 vs 32h question. A frame and a wheel are essentially springs in series. Deflections would add together for greater total displacement. You can’t “use up” the force.

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/6/2025 1:47pm
Great article, and it would be amazing to see rider feedback Vs each of the changes (of course run blind, with a sock over the modified...

Great article, and it would be amazing to see rider feedback Vs each of the changes (of course run blind, with a sock over the modified parts). But it got me thinking about the front to rear balance in compliance - how does the relative stiffness to wag and roll for a fork compare to the rear - mental FEA says stiff in roll but fairly soft in wag. Would it be useful to balance both ends, and how would you do it? Machine down the axle interface to do an anti-torque-cap? Take material off the lowers around the axle?

I would agree that a fork would mostly flex in a way that allows for wag, but the front has a different job from the rear and the forces are different. Also, wag is a fun term to describe the rear end flex but not as fun for the front 😉. I'm not sure what the best balance would be, but I can tell you that you do have to work around your fork a bit. For example, if your forks performance sucks but your rear suspension is really good, you may have to dumb down your rear suspension’s performance to make sure the rear doesn’t have way more grip than the front and lead to constant understeer. I’ve seen this happen a few times. I know compliance would be different, but I think the idea translates in that if your fork is a noodle and your frame is super stiff, that probably wouldn’t feel great. There’s certainly a balance to be struck in there. I’d imagine you don’t want to compromise on stiffness as much on front-end handling since you can lose precision and are more likely to get hurt if you have vagueness in the front end versus vagueness in the rear end of the bike. @carlinojoevideo has been doing a lot of learning about full frame/system stiffness balance with his data aq and modded bikes. Joe, what's your take? 

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/6/2025 2:03pm Edited Date/Time 1/6/2025 2:05pm
Hey Ryan, again, awesome work, I really love this stuff, and it is why I got into using data acquisition on my bike!  I read this...

Hey Ryan, again, awesome work, I really love this stuff, and it is why I got into using data acquisition on my bike!  I read this over a few times and have some questions!

Why did you decide on 1000n of force?  With my data acquisition, I have recorded 30g at the rear axle of lateral force, which isn't convertible to N, but say 1 "gravity" is considered as the force of gravity on Earth, is roughly 9.8 N/kg.  So, let's say I hit the max of 300n, could you run the calculations on that and see what % difference you are seeing with the different setups?

Also. would a more lateral-compliant wheel change the compliance?  Say 28h rear wheel vs 32h.  Some of the "compliance" will be taken up by the wheel and not transferred into the frame.


Nobble wrote:
1000N isn’t a massive load. Assuming a 75kg rider with a 50/50 weight distribution, it’s only 2.7g.Your 30g is probably at a much higher frequency than...

1000N isn’t a massive load. Assuming a 75kg rider with a 50/50 weight distribution, it’s only 2.7g.

Your 30g is probably at a much higher frequency than what would typically cause frame displacement.

For your 28 vs 32h question. A frame and a wheel are essentially springs in series. Deflections would add together for greater total displacement. You can’t “use up” the force.

Joe, the 1000N was somewhat arbitrary, just to illustrate the flexing model for this article. Since it is an aluminum chassis, the model behaves as a mostly linear spring. Also note that I just have constant wall tubes, not butted, and the forging thickness are rough so take all of this data with a grain of salt compared to the real bike. While it depends on how the chassis members flex relative to one another, it should be mostly linear. For example, if you apply 300N, you would expect a displacement of approximately 300/1000 of the values for the 1000N scenario.

I would start by calculating the mass of a rider landing sideways into a berm with a drop in elevation, as Nobble suggested, to get a basic estimate. Rider weights, speeds, and drop heights vary on every trail, so it is fine if it is not perfect. The exact value will depend on your goals for the scenario you are studying. Using real world data like what you have collected is a great way to validate your basic calculations and check if they are realistic.

Ultimately, as long as you can make decisions to improve the bike’s handling for the scenario you are studying, the specific load does not matter too much, as long as it is not so high that the parts start to yield. There are so many variables that “good enough” is usually fine. 

Ballyclare GB
1/6/2025 2:31pm

Hi Ryan,

Great job validating my work! It’s really cool to see the numbers backing up the theory.

Ideally, we would have done the 3D modifications and FEA first, then created the frame or modifications to match. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option as I didn’t have access to the 3D tools or enough time.

The first modification was done at Val di Sole. The track was super wet and rooty, and extra frame compliance and grip were needed—that’s when the hacksaw came out 😂. However, as you mentioned, modifying the link without simultaneously addressing the seat stay bridge meant the SS bridge still supported the modified linkage, so the added roll was minimal.

After that race, I had time at home in my workshop to create proper machined modifications for the linkage, seat stay, and chainstay yoke. The difference in roll was noticeable using the old "grab-the-tyre-and-push-pull" technique, but it wasn’t quantifiable. That’s why it’s so satisfying to see that I’ve doubled the amount of lateral compliance.

1/6/2025 3:45pm Edited Date/Time 1/6/2025 3:45pm
Great article, and it would be amazing to see rider feedback Vs each of the changes (of course run blind, with a sock over the modified...

Great article, and it would be amazing to see rider feedback Vs each of the changes (of course run blind, with a sock over the modified parts). But it got me thinking about the front to rear balance in compliance - how does the relative stiffness to wag and roll for a fork compare to the rear - mental FEA says stiff in roll but fairly soft in wag. Would it be useful to balance both ends, and how would you do it? Machine down the axle interface to do an anti-torque-cap? Take material off the lowers around the axle?

I would agree that a fork would mostly flex in a way that allows for wag, but the front has a different job from the rear...

I would agree that a fork would mostly flex in a way that allows for wag, but the front has a different job from the rear and the forces are different. Also, wag is a fun term to describe the rear end flex but not as fun for the front 😉. I'm not sure what the best balance would be, but I can tell you that you do have to work around your fork a bit. For example, if your forks performance sucks but your rear suspension is really good, you may have to dumb down your rear suspension’s performance to make sure the rear doesn’t have way more grip than the front and lead to constant understeer. I’ve seen this happen a few times. I know compliance would be different, but I think the idea translates in that if your fork is a noodle and your frame is super stiff, that probably wouldn’t feel great. There’s certainly a balance to be struck in there. I’d imagine you don’t want to compromise on stiffness as much on front-end handling since you can lose precision and are more likely to get hurt if you have vagueness in the front end versus vagueness in the rear end of the bike. @carlinojoevideo has been doing a lot of learning about full frame/system stiffness balance with his data aq and modded bikes. Joe, what's your take? 

I do think fork compliance needs to enter the conversation once we start, reducing rigidity and increasing compliance of the rear end.  I switched to the Manitou Dorado and do notice more grip off chamber than I did with a Fox 40, Boxxer(2024) and Ohlins DH38.  I’ve only recorded data with the Dorado in the SynBike system, but I’ll put this on the list to test the torsional movements of forks.

Fork compliance is already in the works in MotoGP with Oval fork tubes from Ohlins. The idea is a stiff platform for force while braking and compliance for lean angle grip.

Other options are split clamps which can reduce the torque needed and cut outs on the side of clamps to allow the fork for lateral compliance. Loic was running them in 2024. Great article here from Luxon about their clamps:

IMG 5200IMG 5201.jpeg?VersionId=EIvHCA8RFkSeKccIMG 5202IMG 5203

Santa Cruz, CA US
1/6/2025 4:21pm

The massive problem with fork compliance is that it causes bushing bind. Go apply a mild torsional load to pretty much any MTB fork (except the EXT Vaia) and it basically stops moving.

This isn’t really a problem for moto because the upper bushing is mounted on the stanchion. I believe the moving bushing is also why split clamps are a moto invention that doesn’t really do anything for a MTB. The clamps are split to allow the tube to flex more consistently and not bind as the bushing slides through it.

Salt Lake City, UT US
1/6/2025 5:18pm

What an awesome article! Our team rode Furys this last season and they are pretty fantastic bikes!

Would the aurthor agree that. DH bikes have to be so strong that they become stiffer than necessary as apposed to trail bikes? Could this affect material choice? 

The wag vs roll is especially interesting to me. I feel like there are benefits to wag it terms of the tire's contact patch and along with the way the bike springs back after it's been loaded. I've heard of people referring the bike bending, or swimming when referring to wag. That could help with grip but affect steering at the exit of the turn. I do understand the acceleration part and possible fatigue to the chainstay/lower main pivot area. The Fury has pretty massive, bladed chainstays but it sounds like they are fairly stiff but I wonder if they have some good wag flex to them.

The Specialized Demo proto seems to be taking advantage of wag. The chainstay is massively tall and bladed looking, not even a hollow structure. They also have a tuned carbon seat stay and upper links that aren't joined together that are probably helping with roll. The front trianglle looks solid with it's large diameter round tubes. Add in an Ohlins 38 fork and custom crowns...Interesting indeed.

The front triangle deserves it's own article with the massively reinforced central spars tying to the BB area and bladed top and downtubes. A lot of work went into the whole bike, nice work.

Bellinghome, WA US
1/6/2025 6:11pm

This is a rad article, and a really interesting discussion. Back in 2018/2019, I cut the seatstay bridge out of my Alloy Sentinel (This was the first article sample I had been riding for 1.5 years at this point). I initially did this to be able to accommodate using a 65mm stroke shock to get 160mm rear travel to experiment for what ended up being the Spire. The side effect of this was introducing a significant amount of rear wheel vertical roll. It was shocking how much it increased rear wheel traction on any type of off camber surface. ***Not something I would recommend someone to do based on the amount of fatigue introduced into other parts of the frame. However, it was a really cool learning experience, and a fun thing to try and use to implement in future frame design. Thanks for sharing Ryan! 

1/6/2025 7:32pm Edited Date/Time 1/6/2025 7:34pm


I did a seatstay brace test last week on a full steel downhill bike.

Screenshot 6-1-2025 191722 data.syn .bikeScreenshot 6-1-2025 191651 data.syn .bike

I just did a run with the brace and without.  The above graphs are without the brace.  This is just a visual to show the difference between rear axle to BB.  To get the % change, I just the Excel files through a program and separate left and right accelerations.

  In this case, without the bridge, the rear axle moved laterally 6% more and had 20% more torsional twistng.  The conditions were super dry so I feel that the added compliance gave me more grip and easier tip into corners.  Definitely more grip and easier to hold a line on off-chamber.

IMG 5204.jpg?VersionId=Fyth0g8fmDcrnW16YIMG 4954.jpg?VersionId= wE3n0SGTrvOxJU4gjTuV
Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/7/2025 3:55am
DMcMullan wrote:
Hi Ryan,Great job validating my work! It’s really cool to see the numbers backing up the theory.Ideally, we would have done the 3D modifications and FEA...

Hi Ryan,

Great job validating my work! It’s really cool to see the numbers backing up the theory.

Ideally, we would have done the 3D modifications and FEA first, then created the frame or modifications to match. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option as I didn’t have access to the 3D tools or enough time.

The first modification was done at Val di Sole. The track was super wet and rooty, and extra frame compliance and grip were needed—that’s when the hacksaw came out 😂. However, as you mentioned, modifying the link without simultaneously addressing the seat stay bridge meant the SS bridge still supported the modified linkage, so the added roll was minimal.

After that race, I had time at home in my workshop to create proper machined modifications for the linkage, seat stay, and chainstay yoke. The difference in roll was noticeable using the old "grab-the-tyre-and-push-pull" technique, but it wasn’t quantifiable. That’s why it’s so satisfying to see that I’ve doubled the amount of lateral compliance.

Awesome to hear! And great work. So cool to have you on here in the chat as well! Are there any learnings you can share after some time on the mods? or Anything you'd like to add that I was off on or missing? If you're not able to all good. 

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/7/2025 1:50pm
 I did a seatstay brace test last week on a full steel downhill bike.I just did a run with the brace and without.  The above graphs...


I did a seatstay brace test last week on a full steel downhill bike.

Screenshot 6-1-2025 191722 data.syn .bikeScreenshot 6-1-2025 191651 data.syn .bike

I just did a run with the brace and without.  The above graphs are without the brace.  This is just a visual to show the difference between rear axle to BB.  To get the % change, I just the Excel files through a program and separate left and right accelerations.

  In this case, without the bridge, the rear axle moved laterally 6% more and had 20% more torsional twistng.  The conditions were super dry so I feel that the added compliance gave me more grip and easier tip into corners.  Definitely more grip and easier to hold a line on off-chamber.

IMG 5204.jpg?VersionId=Fyth0g8fmDcrnW16YIMG 4954.jpg?VersionId= wE3n0SGTrvOxJU4gjTuV

Hell yeah. Well done. Have you had a chance to feel the difference between the widdled-down tiny brace you pictured as well or just the brace vs no-brace? Have you reached too much compliance out of the rear end yet?

Ballyclare GB
1/8/2025 2:26am
DMcMullan wrote:
Hi Ryan,Great job validating my work! It’s really cool to see the numbers backing up the theory.Ideally, we would have done the 3D modifications and FEA...

Hi Ryan,

Great job validating my work! It’s really cool to see the numbers backing up the theory.

Ideally, we would have done the 3D modifications and FEA first, then created the frame or modifications to match. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option as I didn’t have access to the 3D tools or enough time.

The first modification was done at Val di Sole. The track was super wet and rooty, and extra frame compliance and grip were needed—that’s when the hacksaw came out 😂. However, as you mentioned, modifying the link without simultaneously addressing the seat stay bridge meant the SS bridge still supported the modified linkage, so the added roll was minimal.

After that race, I had time at home in my workshop to create proper machined modifications for the linkage, seat stay, and chainstay yoke. The difference in roll was noticeable using the old "grab-the-tyre-and-push-pull" technique, but it wasn’t quantifiable. That’s why it’s so satisfying to see that I’ve doubled the amount of lateral compliance.

Awesome to hear! And great work. So cool to have you on here in the chat as well! Are there any learnings you can share after...

Awesome to hear! And great work. So cool to have you on here in the chat as well! Are there any learnings you can share after some time on the mods? or Anything you'd like to add that I was off on or missing? If you're not able to all good. 

Well, I’m happy now that I know the modifications weren’t just a placebo effect on grip (thanks to your FEA). I think you nailed it—I wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Thoughts and learnings on the mods: At the time, people were asking me if they were safe and reliable. I was confident that I was actually adding reliability by allowing the forged parts to flex and reducing stress risers near the welds (maybe that could be your next FEA project! 😉). I was careful to include large, smooth radii in the machined cuts.

Danny had two bikes with these modifications and put in quite a few runs over the season with no issues.

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/8/2025 12:02pm
DMcMullan wrote:
Well, I’m happy now that I know the modifications weren’t just a placebo effect on grip (thanks to your FEA). I think you nailed it—I wouldn’t...

Well, I’m happy now that I know the modifications weren’t just a placebo effect on grip (thanks to your FEA). I think you nailed it—I wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Thoughts and learnings on the mods: At the time, people were asking me if they were safe and reliable. I was confident that I was actually adding reliability by allowing the forged parts to flex and reducing stress risers near the welds (maybe that could be your next FEA project! 😉). I was careful to include large, smooth radii in the machined cuts.

Danny had two bikes with these modifications and put in quite a few runs over the season with no issues.

Placebos can still be effective! But yes we can be fairly sure your mods made a notable difference to compliance/grip. Agreed on the safe and reliable part by reducing the forging size. With some more FEA we could dig into how the mods may reduce the fatigue life OR increase as you're mentioning, but not too worried about that on a race bike that only gets used for a season or less. I think I saw Danny posted one of his bikes for sale, just want to give the next owner a heads up to do a frame inspection every now and then just incase!


Thanks for joining in on the conversation Dale, super cool stuff 🤘

1/8/2025 3:55pm
 I did a seatstay brace test last week on a full steel downhill bike.I just did a run with the brace and without.  The above graphs...


I did a seatstay brace test last week on a full steel downhill bike.

Screenshot 6-1-2025 191722 data.syn .bikeScreenshot 6-1-2025 191651 data.syn .bike

I just did a run with the brace and without.  The above graphs are without the brace.  This is just a visual to show the difference between rear axle to BB.  To get the % change, I just the Excel files through a program and separate left and right accelerations.

  In this case, without the bridge, the rear axle moved laterally 6% more and had 20% more torsional twistng.  The conditions were super dry so I feel that the added compliance gave me more grip and easier tip into corners.  Definitely more grip and easier to hold a line on off-chamber.

IMG 5204.jpg?VersionId=Fyth0g8fmDcrnW16YIMG 4954.jpg?VersionId= wE3n0SGTrvOxJU4gjTuV
Hell yeah. Well done. Have you had a chance to feel the difference between the widdled-down tiny brace you pictured as well or just the brace...

Hell yeah. Well done. Have you had a chance to feel the difference between the widdled-down tiny brace you pictured as well or just the brace vs no-brace? Have you reached too much compliance out of the rear end yet?

We did try the full brace vs "bowtie" / "butterfly" brace but there was no noticeable change to the rider feel, I didn't run the numbers but it didn't seem like a big difference at the time.  I'm going to make another that is super thin to hopefully allow torsional movement but still hold the structure together so it's not completely free.  I think these brace options are great when you encounter different types of soils and grip levels.  Currently, in Southern California, it's super dry and hardpack, so as much mechanical grip that we have is an advantage, but going back East or Whistler there is endless grip and high load berms, where a stiffer frame could be better.

I do think there is a maximum level of compliance, but again, maybe it comes down to the trail, the dirt, and the rider.  I don't know if this bike has reached its limit, but I am considering trying a stiffer set of wheels. Currently, I'm on 28h front and rear, as well as the Dorado fork.  I think all of these, combined with a soft frame, might be too much.

I know we have all talked about rear-end compliance a bunch, but what would happen in different scenarios like Soft front end/Soft Rear end or Soft front/stiff rear?  What would the pros and cons be of that relationship? 

Ryan Burney
Richmond, VT US
1/10/2025 8:36am
We did try the full brace vs "bowtie" / "butterfly" brace but there was no noticeable change to the rider feel, I didn't run the numbers...

We did try the full brace vs "bowtie" / "butterfly" brace but there was no noticeable change to the rider feel, I didn't run the numbers but it didn't seem like a big difference at the time.  I'm going to make another that is super thin to hopefully allow torsional movement but still hold the structure together so it's not completely free.  I think these brace options are great when you encounter different types of soils and grip levels.  Currently, in Southern California, it's super dry and hardpack, so as much mechanical grip that we have is an advantage, but going back East or Whistler there is endless grip and high load berms, where a stiffer frame could be better.

I do think there is a maximum level of compliance, but again, maybe it comes down to the trail, the dirt, and the rider.  I don't know if this bike has reached its limit, but I am considering trying a stiffer set of wheels. Currently, I'm on 28h front and rear, as well as the Dorado fork.  I think all of these, combined with a soft frame, might be too much.

I know we have all talked about rear-end compliance a bunch, but what would happen in different scenarios like Soft front end/Soft Rear end or Soft front/stiff rear?  What would the pros and cons be of that relationship? 

That's cool to hear. I think that's a good example of the balancing act between weight and stiffness. You found a lighter-weight bridge solution that felt the same. If you apply those kinds of experiments and learnings across the whole bike, you can end up with a super structurally efficient design. Maybe not as important for DH, but for enduro, where you're lugging your bike up a mountain all day, keeping the weight down is super important.

Agreed on the maximum compliance issue. I've felt it on bikes before where I start losing control in critical scenarios, and safety becomes the issue. You can make the bike super comfy and grippy with lots of compliance, but if there's one turn where you almost get hurt because it shoots you off the trail, boom, that's the limit. You have to dial it back and add stiffness to make sure that won't happen again. If you don't, you stop trusting the bike and won't try to ride it fast, unless you're a bit nuts which some DH racers are... That's why I emphasize adding compliance in ways that don't mess with handling or consistency (as much as possible), so you get a balance of comfort, grip, and trustworthy handling and mitigate the loss of control scenarios from too much compliance.

I think soft rear/soft front would work better than soft front/stiff rear. With soft front/stiff rear, the front could wind up dropping into berms and hurt your control, which makes losing control and getting injured more likely. Soft front/soft rear probably has fewer negative handling traits as the whole chassis is flexing in a more balanced way and there isn't too much flex coming from the fork wagging side to side in the corners, but you might still hit trails where it’s too much, and you lose control. Stiff front/soft rear seems ok as well because it often results in handling issues that lead to slight oversteer instead of understeer. Both can be bad, but slight oversteer is a better compromise than slight understeer, imo.

Like I said earlier to MountainsOfSussex, I’m not sure what the best balance is, but you do have to work around your suspension a bit. For example, if your rear suspension is consistently able to outperform your fork, you might need to reduce rear suspension performance to make sure it doesn’t grip way better than the front and cause constant understeer. I think the same idea can apply to compliance. If the front frame/fork is too stiff and the rear is very compliant, you may find the front wheel being knocked off line in an off-camber root section while the rear grips. The front end keeps losing grip and the rear keeps holding its line and that would feel pretty sketchy and your trust in the bike degrades. The same can be said about wheels. There’s definitely a balance to find there. I’d imagine you don’t want to compromise stiffness too much in the front, though, because you may be adding a feeling of vagueness to the placement of your front wheel  and losing precision there makes it easier to get hurt compared to a vague feeling in the rear. There's a lot to consider. Choose what you think is best and go see what happens! You're doing a great job on your frames. I'm certain you're on the cutting edge of frame compliance research and that's pretty rad 🤘


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