Separated shoulder, advice?

Tracer Tong
Angwin, CA US
Edited Date/Time 8/14/2014 1:01pm
Hey guys, last weekend I got a little crazy and raced in the pro category, pushed too hard and ended up separating my shoulder. Second degree.

I am doing the Codman exercises, sling and ice, seen the specialist. Any advice on anything i could do to speed up the recovery? Anything?

San Jose CR
10/30/2009 6:20am Edited Date/Time 10/4/2011 5:10pm
Well, I have tried researching a bit on shoulder separations online but there is very little on it.

I am suffering myself of a collarbone fracture 6 weeks ago, I can only tell you this:

Keep it inmobilized at least 2 weeks, and then after that start the rehab on your shoulder, I would suggest at least one appointment with a physical therapist so he can set you up with a rehab routine so you can bring back the shoulder's movement and strength (I am lucky my sister is a physical therapist)

What I did after the sling and ice were isometric exercises for the shoulder, elbow and forearm (you can look up different exercises online).

After the 4th week, you still do the isometric exercises but also start doing specific exercises designed to get the shoulders movement back (the wall crawl is a very good one, check it out online) and also doing some rotator cuff exercises to bring the shoulder slowly back into shape.

Thats where I am at right now, however I still know that it would take a couple of wks for me to start downhilling again, its just too much stress on the shoulder, so I want to make it as strong as possible before riding again...

The keys for me are getting a good set of rehab exercises from a therapist, and most importantly, do them 2-3 times EVERY day... Thats the only way you will see fast results, if you slack a little bit, don't expect fast results... Good luck with the injury
Squampton CA
10/30/2009 11:33pm
Let it heal. I suffered from a second degree shoulder seperation about 6 or 7 years ago and kept it in a sling with gentle exercises for the first week. After a couple of weeks I began working out at the gym... This is super important!! You must build the shoulder muscles up around the shoulder so that it remains strong. People I know that haven't let it heal and then strengthened the area well have gone on to have constant problems from that day on, multiple dislocations are one thing that can result from not looking after your shoulder.

Good luck
Tracer Tong
Angwin, CA US
11/5/2009 11:48pm
I just realized that I posted here and in the off the bike section. Must have done that when I was drugged up.

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