2020 Mountain Bike Team Rumors

12/20/2019 9:17pm Edited Date/Time 12/20/2019 9:18pm
ride wrote:
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is...
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is, and it’s going to become more and more transparent how ‘advertisey’ it is.

When we make a move to work with someone of any stature, be it mega pro to local ripper / good person their social reach is far from a metric we place value on. It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.

I find it a shame that so many companies, brands etc are required to look at metric based systems like IG and YouTube to place value on a professional athlete. I understand why, but don’t agree with it.

Sorry, I guess it’s just the aging professional racer turned industry guy in me that can’t let go.

We need to make the change from within.

-Lars | Transition Bikes
“It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.”

This is pure magic and I hope it’s working... we’ve recently had the pleasure of being toured around the trails of Phoenix by Darch. One of the most kind folks you could bump into on a bike and kicking A$$ on a new sentinel at 75 years young.

Keep doing what you’re doing Transition!

12/20/2019 9:52pm
I dont think you can completely crap on social media sponsorships, mainly because we get to see some of those dudes ride way more than we get to see a lot of racers (ews especially) ride. How much riding footage from ews do you see? I dont really get the youtube star sponsorships, because most the dudes cant ride, but some of the IG dudes that are just posting short edits to IG, guys like 50 to 01/canne of waves dudes, jasperpemberton, bikerbrayd, etc, can actually shred and you get to see footage of them almost daily. They probably do sell more bikes that your average ews racer. Its disappointing for racers, i totally get that, but cant blame the companies who are giving product to the right dudes, who can actually rip on a bike, not the one telling you about how they set-up a bike workshop in their garage. I could spot a lot of those IG edit dudes just based off their riding, regardless of what bike/gear they are on. I wouldnt say the same for a HUGE amount of EWS racers. Downhill is a bit different, but thats only thanks to red bull.
12/20/2019 10:27pm
What's to say that the best racers couldnt also be insta/YouTube influencers.

Yes, the best racers dedicate their entire lives to racing bikes. Hours in the gym, laps on laps on laps. . .etc. Computer influenced training. All the stuff. But maybe we are talking about an evolution where - the fastest/rowdiest/gnarliest - riders also own and manage their own social media profiles. If we are talking about a cutthroat scenario where average riders with lots of followers are actually taking funding from racers who make their livelihood from results , then I feel like the next progression of the next world champions will also be really really good and dynamic at the social game. Sucks to admit but maybe the best of the best will also have to take time to make their social profile better than everyone elses??

I would make the argument that Palmer was. . . . .. .. .. .ahem........as much a pure talent on the bike/skis/snowboard. . . . .. .. . As he was at creating a scene. Causing a buzz. Being in the limelight. Vouilloz, clementz, Barel, peaty, Minnaar were much much much better riders but they didn't get the ink that Palmer got from his gold tux and his gold hearse.

Honestly I feel like the next generation of factory riders and/or factory teams will have to do it all.

Gt does it and their channel is cool. Specialized was doing it with Keene. Syndicate channel is awesome.

The best is yet to come.
12/21/2019 12:10am
Mark Matthews is making marins look like magic on instagram. That guy is a great example of a good influencer in MTB. Hell, I never in my life wanted a Marin except for some old hardtail some bike mag reviewed in 1999 because I was 13, now they're on my radar. So I'd say there's some merit to the social media guys for sure.
12/21/2019 5:03am
I got no problem with manufacturers throwing the insta guys product and in rare cases some money as well. I find most of it totally unwatchable, but at same time I’m sure many of us have been enjoying the vital gear show which is clearly their spin on what other groups have done for a long time now. I do think most of these guys do not sustain viewership the same way Gwin will create many life long fans, but they also serve a purpose in accessibility and constant content for either beginners or kids.
12/21/2019 5:35am Edited Date/Time 12/21/2019 7:59am
I personally think the DH World cup has much more media attention than the EWS. The format of having 1 timed run on race day is almost perfect for the television. I do watch influencers on YouTube and Instagram, but in my opinion they cover a different segment.
And yes, of course Downhill bikes are only for a small group of people and are not sold as much as other categories, but this is mainly too to the very limited availability of Bikeparks in most region of the world. With the growing number of parks I expect an increase in the sale of DH bikes, especially among the younger groups of riders.
12/21/2019 5:49am
Now, back to the rumors Wink

- Seagraves: the rumors about them and Canyon are most likely true. Canyon will soon present a revised or a new version of their downhill bike: The Sender. Having a top female rider and one of the young and upcoming free-racers on board is definitely very compelling.
- Nico Vink: little bit disappointed that he leaves as Scott just introduced their new Gambler. I can see him joining the YT family (the ultimate brand of the freeriders, but can they afford another top star?), Transition (why not?), Trek (they might have a free spot after TvS left them to join Hyber, but it’s not a perfect match in terms of marketing in my opinion), Canyon (unlikely if the above is true, but never say never, new bike is coming...), Propain (unlikely, they just hired C-Dog), other brands (your turn Wink )
- Moir: no opinion, but please stay in the DH scence!
12/21/2019 6:22am
DH bikes are useless. They only fit the bikeparks and racing while trail and enduro bikes are much more versatile. THey have a place, but not for the average rider, which is shown by the sales numbers.

As for DH, you could say it's the F1 of the sport. But to be the proper F1 of the sport, race bikes need to get custom, unlike anything offered for sale on the market. Think RN01. And that's hard to achieve with brands trying to push their product through racing.

DH racing, currently, is more like touring car racing. But EWS is just as well, both being something akin to the GT4 category, where the race cars are hardly modified compared to the road going counterparts. Yeah, money is a big issue, i understand that, but think of the progress that would be made in MTB if the manufacturers could go wild and have a different concept of a bike for every race? We'd have race proven gearboxes, suspension designs, linkage forks and bike geometries. Not stuff driven by marketing departments.
12/21/2019 6:38am Edited Date/Time 12/21/2019 6:41am
Gamux Racing with Andreas Kolb and Faustin Figaret on a interessting bike. You know what it is?

12/21/2019 6:41am
...also with Öhlins Suspension
12/21/2019 6:53am
mariyo wrote:
Gamux Racing with Andreas Kolb and Faustin Figaret on a interessting bike. You know what it is? [img]https://p.vitalmtb.com/photos/forums/2019/12/21/8712/s1200_Screenshot_20191221_153421.jpg[/img] :whistle:
Gamux Racing with Andreas Kolb and Faustin Figaret on a interessting bike. You know what it is?

Kinda reminds me of a last generation GT Fury - but clearly Is not because the linkeage is different. Also somewhat reminiscent of the Unno dh bike, without seeing the linkeage up close it's difficult to say. My best guess is something from Pole?? Similar frame aesthetic to the CNC alloy frames, same plain alloy color with lack of logos or graphics and looks like it could be the Evo-Link suspension.
Boise, ID US
12/21/2019 6:57am
great discussion re: social media stuff. thanks all! (i also never meant to imply there should be no social stars...was just saying i don't think it's a free ticket to money for riders or sales for brands).

what's the bike in the pic above w/ gamux crew? looks clean.
12/21/2019 8:02am
If I were a betting person I see moir at ews Also heard there’s a few UK riders without deals Partly comes down to Social media...
If I were a betting person I see moir at ews

Also heard there’s a few UK riders without deals

Partly comes down to Social media influencers taking budget from racing teams
Brands don’t need race teams to sell bikes or product anymore

Lots of riders still in contract and few spots on teams mean people lose out.

Seriously, there cutting racing budgets for likes?
Should start a boycott
12/21/2019 8:30am Edited Date/Time 12/21/2019 8:33am
sspomer wrote:
great discussion re: social media stuff. thanks all! (i also never meant to imply there should be no social stars...was just saying i don't think it's...
great discussion re: social media stuff. thanks all! (i also never meant to imply there should be no social stars...was just saying i don't think it's a free ticket to money for riders or sales for brands).

what's the bike in the pic above w/ gamux crew? looks clean.
It’s definitely not a ticket to sales, just lazy easy stats for marketing departments tbh.
There was a podcast somewhere where the brand being interviewed was working off social media numbers rather than sales information. 🤯
I can’t remember who or where right now. Also are ig followers the biggest spenders? The ones I know certainly aren’t.
12/21/2019 8:47am
By the way guys and I know it's off-topic: any comment on the new/upcoming Canyon Sender? It's super quiet. As already mentioned by other users, I also expect a 29er version of their DH bike, but still some many questions to be answered. Will they just revised the current sender or introduce a new DH bike? Will they still offer a 27.5er version or are park riders forced to buy the Torque? Any comment is welcome, can't wait for the release Silly
12/21/2019 9:45am
C-LION wrote:
Now, back to the rumors ;) - Seagraves: the rumors about them and Canyon are most likely true. Canyon will soon present a revised or a...
Now, back to the rumors Wink

- Seagraves: the rumors about them and Canyon are most likely true. Canyon will soon present a revised or a new version of their downhill bike: The Sender. Having a top female rider and one of the young and upcoming free-racers on board is definitely very compelling.
- Nico Vink: little bit disappointed that he leaves as Scott just introduced their new Gambler. I can see him joining the YT family (the ultimate brand of the freeriders, but can they afford another top star?), Transition (why not?), Trek (they might have a free spot after TvS left them to join Hyber, but it’s not a perfect match in terms of marketing in my opinion), Canyon (unlikely if the above is true, but never say never, new bike is coming...), Propain (unlikely, they just hired C-Dog), other brands (your turn Wink )
- Moir: no opinion, but please stay in the DH scence!
Just realized that Andreu Lacondeguy will most likely leave YT (check his latest insta post). This would obviously leave a large gap. So, Nico to YT? Why not...
colorado springs , CO US
12/21/2019 10:39am
DubC wrote:
Considering costs of fielding a race team and impacts of instafuencers on marketing budgets it's gotta be hard for racers that are not at the pointy...
Considering costs of fielding a race team and impacts of instafuencers on marketing budgets it's gotta be hard for racers that are not at the pointy end of the stick. Esp in DH with limited riders being shown on redbull.tv. Im a huge fan of Moir and would be bummed to see him leaving DH.

Is it already common knowledge that Nina Hoffman will be staying on Santa Cruz? Not sure if Syndicated or not....but apparently she will be back riding a V10.
sspomer wrote:
[i](no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment).[/i] i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are...
(no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment). i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are if they're not at the pointy end of the influencer results.

what's a social person with 10k or 50k insta followers worth? anything? a living wage? some product? what about a youtuber with 10k subscribers? 50k subscribers? just like w/ racing, the big influencers cost big money. how long will a racer-turned-youtuber last? (is that what lew buchanan is doing now?) is grinding out vlogs for product or nickels any different than going into debt traveling for racing? starting a social career now could take years for it to maybe (and probably not) pay off in any substantial way. especially considering the non-stop amount of work needed every day filming, editing, spamming to your channels.

sorry, kind of a derail from team news, but maybe not. i find it all mesmerizing.

ride wrote:
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is...
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is, and it’s going to become more and more transparent how ‘advertisey’ it is.

When we make a move to work with someone of any stature, be it mega pro to local ripper / good person their social reach is far from a metric we place value on. It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.

I find it a shame that so many companies, brands etc are required to look at metric based systems like IG and YouTube to place value on a professional athlete. I understand why, but don’t agree with it.

Sorry, I guess it’s just the aging professional racer turned industry guy in me that can’t let go.

We need to make the change from within.

-Lars | Transition Bikes
Human interaction-name of the game.

My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently has a career teaching people how to ride MTB's through one on ones and events. I've seen the human interactions work with her, people show up to the next event with some product she endorses, its unreal actually. So, yeah, props to Lars and Transition for seeing that important, I do as well in my job at TLD.

Anyway-Team Rumors!!
This week was heavy with brands parting ways with athletes and vice versa, cant wait for the 'new connections'.

I am most curious about Jack-worked with him for 4 years at TLD, he is a class act---cant wait to hear where he ends up Wink

Did I miss in this thread if Sam Hill is making moves? or Isabeau?

Think anyone is signing EWS Emtb only contracts?

Is GT DH program completely done?
12/21/2019 11:26am
sspomer wrote:
[i](no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment).[/i] i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are...
(no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment). i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are if they're not at the pointy end of the influencer results.

what's a social person with 10k or 50k insta followers worth? anything? a living wage? some product? what about a youtuber with 10k subscribers? 50k subscribers? just like w/ racing, the big influencers cost big money. how long will a racer-turned-youtuber last? (is that what lew buchanan is doing now?) is grinding out vlogs for product or nickels any different than going into debt traveling for racing? starting a social career now could take years for it to maybe (and probably not) pay off in any substantial way. especially considering the non-stop amount of work needed every day filming, editing, spamming to your channels.

sorry, kind of a derail from team news, but maybe not. i find it all mesmerizing.

ride wrote:
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is...
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is, and it’s going to become more and more transparent how ‘advertisey’ it is.

When we make a move to work with someone of any stature, be it mega pro to local ripper / good person their social reach is far from a metric we place value on. It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.

I find it a shame that so many companies, brands etc are required to look at metric based systems like IG and YouTube to place value on a professional athlete. I understand why, but don’t agree with it.

Sorry, I guess it’s just the aging professional racer turned industry guy in me that can’t let go.

We need to make the change from within.

-Lars | Transition Bikes
Human interaction-name of the game. My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently...
Human interaction-name of the game.

My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently has a career teaching people how to ride MTB's through one on ones and events. I've seen the human interactions work with her, people show up to the next event with some product she endorses, its unreal actually. So, yeah, props to Lars and Transition for seeing that important, I do as well in my job at TLD.

Anyway-Team Rumors!!
This week was heavy with brands parting ways with athletes and vice versa, cant wait for the 'new connections'.

I am most curious about Jack-worked with him for 4 years at TLD, he is a class act---cant wait to hear where he ends up Wink

Did I miss in this thread if Sam Hill is making moves? or Isabeau?

Think anyone is signing EWS Emtb only contracts?

Is GT DH program completely done?
Interesting question about GT....they still have Wyn, Noga and Martin both splitting time between DH and Enduro and Joey Foresta. But, if the cannondale rumors are true who knows...

12/21/2019 12:11pm
sspomer wrote:
[i](no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment).[/i] i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are...
(no idea about nina yet, addressing your first comment). i totally agree about racers vs influencers (and stik's comment). i'm SO curious how impactful influencers are if they're not at the pointy end of the influencer results.

what's a social person with 10k or 50k insta followers worth? anything? a living wage? some product? what about a youtuber with 10k subscribers? 50k subscribers? just like w/ racing, the big influencers cost big money. how long will a racer-turned-youtuber last? (is that what lew buchanan is doing now?) is grinding out vlogs for product or nickels any different than going into debt traveling for racing? starting a social career now could take years for it to maybe (and probably not) pay off in any substantial way. especially considering the non-stop amount of work needed every day filming, editing, spamming to your channels.

sorry, kind of a derail from team news, but maybe not. i find it all mesmerizing.

ride wrote:
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is...
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is, and it’s going to become more and more transparent how ‘advertisey’ it is.

When we make a move to work with someone of any stature, be it mega pro to local ripper / good person their social reach is far from a metric we place value on. It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.

I find it a shame that so many companies, brands etc are required to look at metric based systems like IG and YouTube to place value on a professional athlete. I understand why, but don’t agree with it.

Sorry, I guess it’s just the aging professional racer turned industry guy in me that can’t let go.

We need to make the change from within.

-Lars | Transition Bikes
Human interaction-name of the game. My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently...
Human interaction-name of the game.

My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently has a career teaching people how to ride MTB's through one on ones and events. I've seen the human interactions work with her, people show up to the next event with some product she endorses, its unreal actually. So, yeah, props to Lars and Transition for seeing that important, I do as well in my job at TLD.

Anyway-Team Rumors!!
This week was heavy with brands parting ways with athletes and vice versa, cant wait for the 'new connections'.

I am most curious about Jack-worked with him for 4 years at TLD, he is a class act---cant wait to hear where he ends up Wink

Did I miss in this thread if Sam Hill is making moves? or Isabeau?

Think anyone is signing EWS Emtb only contracts?

Is GT DH program completely done?
Hey Stik, can you comment if Jack is still on TLD gear? I didn't see any goodbyes as far as that goes 🤔
12/21/2019 1:16pm
ride wrote:
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is...
In my opinion, the social (esp IG) influencer personality and content has a shelf life. People are going to catch on to how disingenuous it is, and it’s going to become more and more transparent how ‘advertisey’ it is.

When we make a move to work with someone of any stature, be it mega pro to local ripper / good person their social reach is far from a metric we place value on. It might seem ridiculous but we place human contact and interaction value so far beyond any social bs.

I find it a shame that so many companies, brands etc are required to look at metric based systems like IG and YouTube to place value on a professional athlete. I understand why, but don’t agree with it.

Sorry, I guess it’s just the aging professional racer turned industry guy in me that can’t let go.

We need to make the change from within.

-Lars | Transition Bikes
Human interaction-name of the game. My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently...
Human interaction-name of the game.

My wife has a poor social media 'following' when it comes to numbers, but she is a MTB legend and currently has a career teaching people how to ride MTB's through one on ones and events. I've seen the human interactions work with her, people show up to the next event with some product she endorses, its unreal actually. So, yeah, props to Lars and Transition for seeing that important, I do as well in my job at TLD.

Anyway-Team Rumors!!
This week was heavy with brands parting ways with athletes and vice versa, cant wait for the 'new connections'.

I am most curious about Jack-worked with him for 4 years at TLD, he is a class act---cant wait to hear where he ends up Wink

Did I miss in this thread if Sam Hill is making moves? or Isabeau?

Think anyone is signing EWS Emtb only contracts?

Is GT DH program completely done?
metadave wrote:
Hey Stik, can you comment if Jack is still on TLD gear? I didn't see any goodbyes as far as that goes 🤔
Yes and while you´re at it, how about a bit of info of that new D4?Whistling

12/21/2019 1:50pm
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It has been a stressful few months of offseason for him but, he could be coming back even stronger.

-Canyon: There is a new sender coming and it is going to be FAAST. plenty of testing at national level events, you had to be eagle-eyed to spot it.

-FMD- could they be on Cannondale after the team is no longer and they have been clearing house?

- Rumour has it HUFFY has offered Gwin 10000 yen more a year to race for them so he is keen.
- The denim Destroyer has signed a contract with marvel and is the latest member of the Avengers
Framingham, MA US
12/21/2019 3:13pm
sspomer wrote:
great discussion re: social media stuff. thanks all! (i also never meant to imply there should be no social stars...was just saying i don't think it's...
great discussion re: social media stuff. thanks all! (i also never meant to imply there should be no social stars...was just saying i don't think it's a free ticket to money for riders or sales for brands).

what's the bike in the pic above w/ gamux crew? looks clean.
I was promised fame and fortune from being the start of unboxing videos. I guess those checks are "in the mail"?
Truckee, CA US
12/21/2019 3:30pm
Lew off Ibis officially. Where to next?
12/21/2019 7:54pm
C-LION wrote:
By the way guys and I know it's off-topic: any comment on the new/upcoming Canyon Sender? It's super quiet. As already mentioned by other users, I...
By the way guys and I know it's off-topic: any comment on the new/upcoming Canyon Sender? It's super quiet. As already mentioned by other users, I also expect a 29er version of their DH bike, but still some many questions to be answered. Will they just revised the current sender or introduce a new DH bike? Will they still offer a 27.5er version or are park riders forced to buy the Torque? Any comment is welcome, can't wait for the release Silly
Buy something reliable
12/21/2019 9:20pm
ducky1988 wrote:
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It...
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It has been a stressful few months of offseason for him but, he could be coming back even stronger.

-Canyon: There is a new sender coming and it is going to be FAAST. plenty of testing at national level events, you had to be eagle-eyed to spot it.

-FMD- could they be on Cannondale after the team is no longer and they have been clearing house?

- Rumour has it HUFFY has offered Gwin 10000 yen more a year to race for them so he is keen.
- The denim Destroyer has signed a contract with marvel and is the latest member of the Avengers
Jacob Jewit to canyon
12/21/2019 10:20pm
ducky1988 wrote:
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It...
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It has been a stressful few months of offseason for him but, he could be coming back even stronger.

-Canyon: There is a new sender coming and it is going to be FAAST. plenty of testing at national level events, you had to be eagle-eyed to spot it.

-FMD- could they be on Cannondale after the team is no longer and they have been clearing house?

- Rumour has it HUFFY has offered Gwin 10000 yen more a year to race for them so he is keen.
- The denim Destroyer has signed a contract with marvel and is the latest member of the Avengers
I would add a couple more zeros to that 10000 yen figure ;p
12/21/2019 11:32pm
ducky1988 wrote:
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It...
-Jack Moir: got a rough deal with the new establishment and has obviously left. Had a new team lined up however that has now folded. It has been a stressful few months of offseason for him but, he could be coming back even stronger.

-Canyon: There is a new sender coming and it is going to be FAAST. plenty of testing at national level events, you had to be eagle-eyed to spot it.

-FMD- could they be on Cannondale after the team is no longer and they have been clearing house?

- Rumour has it HUFFY has offered Gwin 10000 yen more a year to race for them so he is keen.
- The denim Destroyer has signed a contract with marvel and is the latest member of the Avengers
I would add a couple more zeros to that 10000 yen figure ;p
nah. I think he will move for that ammount
Santa Clara, CA US
12/22/2019 12:27am
Landjonz wrote:
Vink off Scott [embed][/embed]
Vink off Scott

Going to Transition

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