Words: The Kimberley Trails Society
You won't come across a better Raffle this summer! 2 BIKES, 15 PRIZES, 3 EARLY BIRD PRIZES with only 2,500 tickets sold, the odds of winning have never been any higher! Plus we added a 50/50 so you can walk home with some extra Cash as a MASSIVE thank you for supporting the kids of Kimberley, BC.
Your donation will help us complete the bike park this summer and get the kids out a year earlier than originally planned, yeah! We need help to finance things like Mulch Jump, Picnic Tables, Plant trees, Install Water Lines, Fencing, maybe even some lights for extended hours!?.

There is a YETI E-bike to win, a Custom built Dirt Jumper from Trek with all your dream parts and 15 other amazing prizes worth more than $24,000!!!

All proceeds from this campaign will go directly to finishing the Revitalization of the Kimberley Bike Park.
Originally built 15 years ago by the City of Kimberley in conjunction with a group of users, there were never any formal partnership or committee put in place to maintain it, and it has deteriorated overtime and required a full rebuild.
Buy your tickets early and get extra chances to win:

Plus there is a 50/50 Jackpot capped at $10,000! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!
To stay in touch with the Kimberley Bike Park, follow us at @kimberleybikepark

About: The Kimberley Trails Society
The Kimberley Trails Society was formed in 2009 to "Facilitate the protection, maintenance and development of primarily non-motorized trails, in Kimberley and the surrounding area, by working with community groups, government and other stakeholders for the benefit of all trail users."
The Kimberley Trails Society coordinates a high quality and sustainable network of trails in Kimberley and the surrounding area, through strong relationships and collaboration with land managers and other stakeholders. We promote the value of trails to the community and visitors, and the importance in maintaining and protecting our trails for the future. We assist in the recognition of our trail network as a valuable and essential part of an active, healthy, and attractive community. Every dollar goes directly back into the trails we all love to ride.