COMUNALIDAD. An ancient system of communal collaboration exists in most Oaxacan municipalities, consisting of four main pillars – communal territory, communal organization, tequio, and festivity.
In a relatively short time, Oaxaca has become known as a world-class mountain biking destination. It’s not just the trails and richness in culture that draw people in; it’s the incredible sense of community and hospitality from the people of Oaxaca.

“Build with Purpose” follows three individuals – Carlos Hernández (@coyoteaventuras), Israel Carrillo (@pulsar_outdoors ), and Cody Wilkins (@code_loco) – who are driven by the passion and dedication of Oaxaca riders and trail builders. Together, they collaborate with the Ixtepeji trail builders to give back by creating a progression area that caters to the increasing demand for higher skill levels.

By sharing what they’ve learned through years of trail building, they empower the locals to continue progressing the sport in their area. After working tirelessly on the project, the team shares the ultimate reward of any trail project: the experience of riding with friends and the community that made it all possible.

This Project could not have happened without the help of WTB, FlyLow, 2 Wheel Epix, Sensus Rad Trails, and Coyote Aventuras

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